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Saw this over at the Valve-Erc forums :

Original thread

Like others, I've been frustrated by the limited ability to edit displacements. So I've started on a tool to create displacement curves/bends/arches etc. in a similar manner to the patch meshes of the Q3 engine. Displacements are a lot more powerful as you can edit each vertex independently. The maths was a bit tricky to work out but I've managed to create curved bends so far -


Like it says, it's a third-party tool used to create more exotic shapes with displacement maps. I think it looks very interesting, and I look forward to future versions of it. There's already an early version released, click the link at top to check it out (midway down the thread).


Could be really useful once its a bit further developed. I suck with displacement surfaces, which is really annoying since I was confident with triangle terrain :(


In case anyone cares, then this is some of the features I miss:

- More generation options instead of just noise. Sudivide&displace and ridged perlin would be nice. Multi perlin and ridged multi perlin would be 1337.

- Some generation options such as glaciation and canyonism to easly create realistic terrain

- Material distribution options: Min/max slope and min/max altitude

- Constant subdivide size per quality/power instead of reliant on brush size

- Blending of more than two materials

- Editing of two displacements without them stopping to line up

- Get some proper sliders. They should go from -512 to 512 instead of from 0 to 256.

- Allow for smoothing on all three axes at the same time


FUCKING GOD DAMMIT, i just spent about 45 mintues making a windy road...

so is this a plugin or a seperate program? if its a seperate program, can i copy-paste the brush or do i have to save it as a vmf and open it in hammer?


I'm sure it will just create a .vmf for you to open in hammer, but I haven't tested it.

It probably will eventually, but for now you're got to do some fiddling, opening .map files in notepad. I think I'll just give it some time to mature before embracing it.


I'm sure it will just create a .vmf for you to open in hammer, but I haven't tested it.

It probably will eventually, but for now you're got to do some fiddling, opening .map files in notepad. I think I'll just give it some time to mature before embracing it.

Yeah, it outputs a whole lot of numbers, which you have to manually put into the .vmf file. And I'm on the same boat as you, I'll wait a few more release candidates until I try it out.

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