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After coming back to CS:GO after a really long time I decided to begin mapping again,

I heard about this contest from an old friend of mine so here I am.

I'm probably not gonna make it really far but I'll try anyway, I've got plenty of time!

So far I haven't really done a lot of the layout yet, but here's mid: https://imgur.com/a/2btND1o


I guess this means if anyone's interested in helping out or playtesting feel free to leave a reply on this thread!

I still don't really know what I wanna do with this map, but time will have to tell..


Edit: If anybody would like to try out the map you could go to this link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1790217496




Edited by P0TAT0

You can at least post in-game screenshots. Anyways mapcore and source engine discord/tophattwaffle.com both have testing services. In the latter one there are also community playtests which I highly recommend for the early phases of a map like this. Also try to avoid oranges dev textures they can be a real pain to the eyes, use dev/reflectivity.


20190706125931_1.jpg.991a65ef75c8310689b2919ef4a4e764.jpgThe lighting of the map is pretty dark right now, I'm gonna try to fix that. In the mean time I added A site although it be a bit too close to the rest of the map, I think we'll have to see if it needs to be shifted although it will mostly need to get shifted. I also added a bit more on the T side of the map. My goal for the next update is to improve A site and the T side of the map, and of course improve the lighting. Next goal will be to add B site!


So.. I haven't really posted here in a while but I've made some changes to the map!

Trust me, I'm really gonna make the next bombsite after this one!

These are the changes I've made:

- Shifted A site
- Removed A barrel (too op)
- Added some more props at T to mid
- Widened CT area
- Filled an empty area at A site with a bangable wall
- Replaced white crate at A
- Added a bangable wall at mid corridor
- Fixed clipping for mid car
- Fixed clipping at the diagonal wall at mid
- Adjusted sun angle in the hope of improving the lighting of the map

I will post some in-game screenshots in just a sec! I also want to add a bit more visibilty to the inside area at A site by perhaps painting the walla  bit, I also want to make a safer route to A which might replace the current narrow corridor we've got

Here are some in-game screenshots!


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