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Recent Graduate Looking For Level Design Portfolio Feedback!


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Hi there! 

I am currently half way through my portfolio and was hoping I could get a bunch of fresh eyes to take a look over. Any comments about format or how I have communicated my design process across would be hugely appreciated! 

The section I have completed is the 'DodgeBrawl' section, the reason I am sharing it here now is so I can gain feedback on whether or not my structure for that section is good enough for me to apply it to my other upcoming projects.

Feel free to send as much criticism as possible!

Thanks :D



Edited by JamesThomas
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Hey @JamesThomas

Thanks for sharing your portfolio with us. 

There are three key things I would say at the moment:

- first, the "case studies" and "game modes" are not clickable so we can't access the content

- When we are not on your landing page / home page, we never see your name or you role. That is an information that should always be at the top  of your portfolio. 

- you should make the "more details" links more obvious 'cause if I hadn't looked at it twice, I would have said that it was lacking of explaination in your work( which is not the case). So, find something to make this more obvious, make a big colored square with a "CLICK HERE", I don't know, whatever. 

- Stay consistant! If you're trying to find a job as a junior, why do I see a "Lead design at whatever" in the about me section? Stay consistency in what you say to people, 'cause that's the kind of things people through a "Ew" at. Or precise it is a personnal student project or community thing, whatever. 

- No Resume link? May be you are super junior and you think you have nothing to prepare a CV, but actually, companies will request one so you should try to make one that sells you as a junior level designer and potential good team player. 

- Personnally, I would not put a link to my Facebook profil. This has nothing to do with work. Would put a LinkedIn link there. 

It's not clear neither if you did also the visuals of your dodge ball levels or not. If not, the work with level artist could be appreciated if you think it could be interested. 

Super interesting to see information about playtests! 


Still, good job, that's a very good basis to build upon ;) 


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