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I've just started a new Half-Life 2 Modification for some hopefully great online play with the source engine.

The name is not clear yet but i was thinking of turmoil ,but we are still not sure about it.

Included in this mod will be the game modes Capture the flag and deathmatch and maybe a tactical team deathmatch.

We have recruited some eager level designers already but we need more people to make this project work, we are still looking for:

1 or 2 Coders

1 or 2 3D modelers

1 or 2 2D Artists / Texturers

1 sound artist

1 LEAD level designer.

We know this game idea has probarbly been tried or even made a 100 times before but we want to make a game realy taking advantage of the source engines cool new features.

A website will be set up within the next couple of days but as we don't have a profesional web designer taking care of it it 's taking slightly longer than excpected.

Only litle experience is needed for most of the positions the only thing we excpect is some degree of skill and alot of devotion and hard work as we want a small team.

There is NO deadline for this game to come out so you can take your time to realy make things perfect and you are for most of the part free to use your imagination.

I've got alot of ideas worked out in a design document already and 've set up an ftp account so people in the team can exchange ideas / work with one and other and new ideas are beeing added by the entire team on how the game will look / play in the end so it's realy a good project to work on if you like having litle restrictions to you creativity.

I hope some or even alot of you guys want to join this mod in it's birth stages so we have a good start to a great project.

This post is getting awkwardly long now so time to say goodbye,

thanks for reading my post and taking interest in it , i hope to hav you on my team soon!

Sebastian "BioPulse" Huskins


so what makes this mode different from hl2 deathmatch or ctf:source

they both take quite some advantage from the source engine's cool new features

true that hl2 dm and CTF:source will be slightly similar but if i get a team together we'll have all new weapons and models etc. but this project is as you might have noticed not a professional title and so it's more based on gaining experience and having fun making it instead of beeing 'the greates game ever' or something like that.


so what makes this mode different from hl2 deathmatch or ctf:source

they both take quite some advantage from the source engine's cool new features

true that hl2 dm and CTF:source will be slightly similar but if i get a team together we'll have all new weapons and models etc. but this project is as you might have noticed not a professional title and so it's more based on gaining experience and having fun making it instead of beeing 'the greates game ever' or something like that.

You should always thrive to make the greates game ever.


http://biopulse.x3x.biz/websites/ED-gaming/ set up this litle webbie for now.

also some mroe about the mod, we'll be adding super fast bunnyhoppign and hopefully a long jump module as in HLDM and some other 'great' things of other dm and ctf games that are missing in todays modern dm and ctf games, also we'll be implementing our own ideas obviously ,it's not all ripoff material, but we're looking ot make sorf of an good old fast pased deathmatch chaotic game like they used to be.


so what makes this mode different from hl2 deathmatch or ctf:source

they both take quite some advantage from the source engine's cool new features

true that hl2 dm and CTF:source will be slightly similar but if i get a team together we'll have all new weapons and models etc. but this project is as you might have noticed not a professional title and so it's more based on gaining experience and having fun making it instead of beeing 'the greates game ever' or something like that.

Well, i don't think you really got peris question. Different models and all is not what he ment. I mean, what makes it really different. Shooting a different gun doesn't matter much when the gameplay is the same. What really sets it aside from other mods?


I think that you should add some more media to your site before starting to recruit. No pix no clix.

Using a picture from HL2 instead of from your own mod as a topbanner is not exactly cool.


i know but no team = no media art?, we are starting to make some maps for media and when we have a nice map i'll make the banner with that but for now we have no media yet , but i'm sure we'll get some early map shots in soon


Maybe you remember the Darktruth mod? They made maps first to show off their qualities, then they started recruiting. Those maps were for that purpose only, if I remember correctly... I think that example shows the importance of the impression you make on others pretty well...

Too bad even that mod died.


yeh, we've decided this is not going to work and have dug up my "original" singleplayer mod idea, i'll make a new thread though, can a moderator delete this??


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