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looks mighty realistic, i like it.

not fake hallways, realistic architecture, something i'm noticing in many maps is bogus realism in terms of layout.

but then again, usually realistic layout isn't as fun to play as unrealistic.

just keep that in mind.


Looks just like HL2, and lots of people have done it. You could do much better by focusing on not using hl2 specific assets. Otherwise you'll just blend in.

Not bad at all though.


Looks like HL2

I hate these kind of comments. I really do. It's using HL2 textures, should it look like Fantasy Land Map 2.0 then? Of course it looks like hl2. It's built on HL2 engine using HL2 textures.

Bleh. Same thing with comments like "looks like cs_italy", when its using italy's basic wall textures but the setting is different.

Get real people. That map looks alright. It's not wrong to use HL2 assets. Keep going!


dm_avalon anyone? That map was built with HL2 textures on the HL2 engine and it looks different. I don't have a big problem with hl2 textures, but one of those screenshots looks just too much like the first level in Source, when you just arrived in c17. Those buildings and trees, with that one thing (ack, name?) for children to play on. It all looks too much like it. I would like to see people move away a bit from the theme. It's all really well done, but the theme is already getting old. (although some of those corridors do look new to me, in a way)

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