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[CSGO] Murdertown & Import/Export (RSV2 Remakes)

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A while ago I was asked to remake some maps from Rainbow Six Vegas 2, thought I might as well post them here so you can all see. It's unlikely they'll be updated anymore as they were made/detailed based on already existing levels but I still look back on maps like these and see a number of places I feel I should/could improve (particularly 3d skyboxes, man I hate doing those things), but that can only be a good thing I'm sure :)

Murdertown on the Workshop

This one's available as an arms race map and is certainly my preferred of the two, had to make a fair amount of the brushwork into models however due to reaching brush limits D:



Import/Export Arms Race || Import/Export Demolition

There are areas of this one I like, but the scale of rooms combined with some of the available props was just ridiculous and made things pretty difficult.steamworkshop_webupload_previewfile_2875

Let me know what you think, or don't, like I said they probably wont get updated ever again. :P

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