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Totalbiscuit, the cinical Brit is dying

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Dunno if is the appropriate forum, imagined that being a gaming reviewer/opinionist it would be.

I found out only a few days ago, via a comment made in one of his videos about going on chemio, that he has cancer. He shared that in a video I missed in 2014, if I'm not mistaken.

I just got linked his goodbyes to the social media community on Soundcloud


apparently he has like three years at best to live :( I don't watch every video, but I quite regularly do and often agree with his opinion, so this news has made me sad for him and his family.


Yes he's still going to do videos, what he sorta explains in his video (probably triggered by some comments elsewhere where he might have said he would have to take this step) that he has certain obligations to have social media accounts, but that he's passing the control of those over, and he will focus on the actual job and of course his family.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, i saw him on campus a couple months ago and he didn't look very healthy. Indeed the doctor gave him only a couple years of life left, but there's stories of people that had the same diagnostic and lived decades more, I personally know one example, so as long as there's a will to live he can outlive that fucked up disease, it's just a shame his own fan base are not helping.

Edited by (HP)

It may be a little morbid, but I think he's been a good figure head for people who don't know what it's like to have a family member struggle through the disease.

Ofc I'm sad it happens to anyone, but for such a well known person in the industry, his struggle will have been seen by many and I think it's good for raising awareness. On the surface at least he seems to be handling it as best as can be expected.

I wish him all the best, and talking from experience, it seems that as soon as you give up mentally is when it all unravels.


Don't really appreciate him as a youtuber but it's still sad to see it happening. I'm of the same opinion as HP, people have lived past expectancies and I'm certain that if he has the will there is a way. There's actually a good TED talk that talks about how you can kill cancer by starving it to death, by way of angiogenesis. I'll post the link when able. Not because I think he'll see it, but because it could happen to any of us.

Besides that, isn't the title a bit clickbaity and misleading? Technically we're all dying...


I've seen so many people get killed by this disease. Young and strong, old and weak. It doesn't matter. It kills indiscriminately. Hell, I've even seen people overcome it multiple times but it always comes back....with a vengeance. It's true that it goes quicker once you give up but man, what kind of power do you need to posses in order to keep your head up? In the end, it consumes us all.

I understand his decision to cut himself off from social media though. No reason to read that poison in your last remaining years. Hell, no reason to read it even if you weren't sick. The Internet is a great thing but there's a dark side that I find troublesome. The venom people spit out and the amount of crap 'celebrities' have to endure really makes me not want to live on this planet anymore. 

Posted (edited)

I agree that the internets are shits, and I've of course flamed many times over nothing. But when we got comments about the mod I helped making, I was very political knowing we had done the best we could.

I dunno what the cinical Brits refers to, but there's absolutely no reason to get mad about something you don't even make yourself, you are just describing and commenting. In that regard I noticed that he was too easily carried away (remarks he would make in different videos, taking a stab at people who had previously commented)… and I would expect a family person to be more mature than that. You're dealing with "your own son" when you are a youtuber commenting on games.

Edited by blackdog

I've lost two family members to cancer, both showed improvements but then went down hill fast for no real reason other than the cancer got bored and thought it would be fun to turn it up to 11. The best thing for TB is that he was diagnosed relatively early on so his chances aren't awful, but, it has a tendency to keep coming back. And the drugs they put you on can work against you pretty badly even if they are to combat cancer (bad as in require limb amputations ). Thought it's good that he is still doing videos because really there's nothing else to do apart from carry on doing what you were doing before and just deal with it.

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