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[Unity asset] Beat'em Up 2D Ultimate Kit [RESKIN Ready]

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Hello, dear gamers and developers!


Beat'em Up 2D Ultimate Kit is a beat'em up game template, which is made using the best practices of a genre. This asset lets you create your own original gameplay by making your own characters, maps, configuring a variety of AI/power parameters, arranging usable objects on a scene and writting your own plot.






Player controls one of playable fighters. The goal is to get through tens of enemies to a usable object that triggers “win”. Player can beat, block, jump, use usable objects (shoot weapon, collect med kits, score points), and select other playable fighters. Ally and enemy have AI, which lets them patrol area, follow, attack opponent, randomly block attacks, randomly make super punches, pick weapon and shoot. You can create different characters or usable objects as many, as you want. You can fully customize any parameter (chance of block, chance of super punch and so on).


Keyboard: press W/A/S/D to move, E to attack, Q to use, Space to jump, C to change character, B to block
Touch: put one finger at a left side of a screen and move it to move fighter, use second finger to press buttons at a right side (P - attack, J - jump, B - block, U - use, C - change character)


- Ultimate tool for game creation 
- Create as many different fighters, as you want 
- Create as many different usable objects, as you want 
- Create as many fight animations, as you want 
- Smart AI 
- Сonstant support and assistance in the development process 
- PC/Mobile ready 
- C# scripts are fully explained.
- Menu, in-game menu, puase/play, score, level and rate systems.

Have fun!

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