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First screenie screams Inferno clone, but the rest are pretty good. I like that you can see some buildings and terrain in the bg, which is very nice for a HL1 map.

The very orange/red sky does not fit with the lighting in the map.

The textures could use a less inferno alike look and a detail layer above them.

Did you forget to func_wall the lamp in the second pic or why is the wall cut up next to it? Or is it just the lightmap?


TS version is still all go, we just need to do the whole testing thing. Which should be easier soon because I'm working on getting us a proper server. Thou shalt hear news on TS whence the new website is live. Which is soon. Depending on how quickly I sort this php crap.


needs more crates.

i mean it.

well it was originally made for ts ;D so we kinda removed everything that could just block your way when doing insane stunt stuff.

but its true, it can never be a real cs map without enough crates ;(

I agree the lighting in the map should be adjusted abit. Needs just a tad more color contrast between light and shadow. Although i think it looks pretty good already (how are the colors dull ferret?). We rather wanted an insane athmosfere than a realistic enviroment.

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