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Hi! Been a while since I visited Mapcore (Been busy with my new workplace, game design for a small start-up) :) But I'd like some help from some kind (Quake 3 and Radiant experienced)soul out there. I recently accepted a little side gig to re-texture some maps for an old Quake 3 Mod/Game. And the people behind it haven't worked on it for years so they only had the .bsp files. I managed to decompile it into a .map w/ Q2map2 and loaded it into gtkradiant. So far so good. But now, of course all the surfaces says shader image missing and makes it a bit hard to navigate and see what should be replaced with what. So I loaded the directory with textures but no difference. Maybe I'm just a bit gtk-rusty but I feel a bit stomped. How do I get them to load?


Have you copied the scripts folder? Don't forget to change the shaderlist.txt file as well, otherwise the shaders won't appear in Radiant.

Nevertheless, the textures should at least appear in the texture browser.

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