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Get friechamp in here!

Here is my babel fish~

First image (going left to right)

[above pistol image]

Nine weapons help you in the fight against the hell natures. Six are already well-known from Doom 1 and 2. lm third part finded it in addition a light machine gun, hand grenades and the Soul Cube (an age-old, mystisches Relikt)

[under chainsaw]

The chain saw is perfect for close combat against zombies.

[under pistol]

The small standard pistol causes only little damage.

[under crazy p90 thing]

With the light machine gun you meet even speedy opponents

[under shotty]

From the proximity the force of the pumpgun projectiles opponents throws back.

[under ump with too many mods]

The plasma rifle breeding tent also hellknights & CO effectively

< lol >

Second Image

[under smooth zombie]

Each figure is built with the 3d-software maya as in detail as possible and originally consists of approximately 250.000 of polygons

[under blocky zombie]

For the diagram engine the model on on the average 1.400 polygon must be made smaller and looks accordingly rough.

< muss and das both mean on? /me slaps babel fishy >

[under textured zombie flame on guy]

So that the Zombie in the play looks as detailed as the original, the engine sticks several textures in real time in the model.

Third Image


Deathmatch: A player looks with the flashlight in dark hits a corner for his opponent. That uses the chance and takes the defenseless with the plasma rifle under fires.

Forth Image has no text

Fifth Image


Trites width units hear it already far by the trippelnde noise. Except, they rope themselves loudless from the cover.

Sixth Image

[at the bottom]

The Trites width units spider natures mentioned seize preferentially in herds and from several sides.

Seventh has nothing

eigth image

[at the bottom]

The strong Zombie soldier has an enormous range owing to his Tentacle of arm. Its kind comrade in the background is a mutated worker

< I find it funny that it uses the word comrade :D crazy nazis >

ninth image

[at the bottom]

The ladeplattform breaks - now we must evade to physically correctly falling and thus incalculable steal-slow-acting.

Now im bored....

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