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New tactical RPG/strategy, turn based game: Mythiventures (Heroes Tactics)

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Hey guys!

We recently launched Mythiventures (Heroes Tactics) on mobile platforms, a turn-based, tactical RPG/strategy game in a Mythical Adventure World. If you play Heroes of Might & Magic, Final Fantasy Tactics, or Heroes Charge, you will probably like this too. = )

Every character in Mythiventures is uniquely designed to have his or her own special features and “ultimate” skill, allowing players to configure their team based on their tactics style.

Furthermore, Mythiventures is the FIRST “GRAND CARNIVAL-STYLE” strategy game. There are many different ways of playing this turn-based strategy game. Think of each mode as a “carnival booth.” Currently, we have released campaign mode (single player), class battles (single player), arena (PVP). Expedition mode will be coming soon. We are also working on a live PVP battle mode, castle siege, and many other modes.

Mythiventures is currently FREE to play, for now. =P There may be an entry fee to enjoy the carnival fiesta frenzy in the future.

Here’s a link to our website to download Mythiventures: http://www.heroestactics.com

If you have any questions, or suggestions, or just general feedback, please feel free to contact us at support@heroestactics.com

Happy Hero Venturing!

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