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I had this idea for de_mirage and I was wondering what other people where thinking of it.
First, de_mirage seems to be quite balanced as it is:

The idea is to cut the top right corner. This would allow in much quicker rotation times.
It would be mostly in favor of the T's but it could also favor the CT slightly cause they could go quicker for retakes where they push from multiple sides.
The wenis pointing to the top right is for the spawn points so T's don't get in important positions before the CT's.

Let me know what you think!

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 4.31.32 PM.png


seems a little like reinventing the wheel. CTs the push apps would get a lot more info than they currently do too- mid pushes from behind would be much easier for them too.


No, punishing T's for making mistakes is important, they have their quick and dangerous rotate paths in mid. Just like on D2. Adding this short and safe rotate path adds nothing of value and lowers the skill required as a team on T side. 


The timings on current Mirage are fantastic. Even when both teams rush, CT can set up a decent defense on all 3 lanes. Judging your proposals purely by eye, I imagine CT would get to window when T are already over half way through mid and probably able too molly the window (unless you lose the vent), and CT would be inside Palace before T's.


Yeah I guess you could play around moving the spawns up and down that new corridor, but I just find it hard to believe that it would maintain the same time differences across all three lanes. If you move the circle further forward so that T's can still take palace then they'll be able to secure mid within seconds, and probably be jumping through apt windows before CT have got to van. Move the circle further back to save mid and B, and they'll lose palace to the CT's. I guess you could slide the T spawn corridor down and to the right a bit, but then you're essentially just returning T's to their original spawn point.

It's interesting to think about, but in practical terms I think Pampers hit the nail on the head.


I can understand the changes, but I'd rather keep it as it is, only because I hate terrorist spawns that just have one route which you have to take no matter where you're going. I'd rather have a choice in where to go as soon as the freezetime expires :P

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