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I've got a ceiling fan model made, skinned, and animated, and managed to get it all loaded into source fine and well. The problem is that the animation jerks between the first and last frame, thereby isn't looping properly. Previewing the model in HLMV and Hammer shows the animation to be smooth and without problem, but in game its a different matter :( I'm using a prop_dynamic entity to place the model and setting its "default animation" property to the spinning animation, which as far as I can tell is the only way to put in an animated prop.

Has anybody else tried using animated props, and had success or problems? I'm sure it must be possible to use looped animations properly, as I'm sure I recall props from other maps doing it ok (there are fans in de_prodigy that are props isn't there?). Any help is much appreciated.


Okay I found the answer myself it seems. In the QC file you need to add the option "loop" at the end of the $sequence definition to define that the animation sequence loops. The source FAQ only lists "new" $sequence commands for some reason and therefore makes no mention of this option, but I found it by looking at the ariboat's example QC file and looking up its propeller sequence.


I probably will make a tutorial or tutorial set about getting custom content into source, and dealing with some of the less obvious issues such as having multiple animations, multiple skins, etc... The official FAQ page holds almost too much info, at least for people only looking to make props and the like, which can make it kinda daunting I guess.


worked with unreal for a week now and importing props is a billion times easier. Simply export into .ase format and unreal did the rest. Thats amazing. However i'll still do it for source for my INS map.


At least your models are of interesting things Ferret, all I make is boring man made stuff that is easy to model :P

I've started on a tutorial series but it will probably be a long while before they are ready for putting out. I'm starting off with a walkthrough of building a simple model in milkshape, then skinning it, animating it, and compiling it. You guys won't find much of interest in it I'm sure, but I figure there are loads of people out there afraid to take the plunge into prop modelling and a case study of the entire process might urge them to give it a shot :)

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