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if they spent money based on the prediction that they would earn that 200m then yeah they did lose money... considering all the shit they bought last year they were surely counting on it *cough*

anyway thumbsup for sticking it to the man


What is loosing 200 millions? Well, because of this, their shareprice will drop, which means their credit rating will drop, which means it will be more expensive for them to finance daily operations or take overs. Their creditability towards outside partners such as the NFL will drop. Furthermore their own shares are one of the key things they use payment to take over other studios, which means that they will be in a worse position to do so.

Boxes that were made but never sold, well they still have to be paid for, even more so than if so, since I can imagine EA have to suck up costs incurred for shipping them back from the retail points.

So, yes this is money they were expecting on getting, but believe me, they lost this money, and they felt it. :twisted:


What is loosing 200 millions? Well, because of this, their shareprice will drop, which means their credit rating will drop, which means it will be more expensive for them to finance daily operations or take overs. Their creditability towards outside partners such as the NFL will drop. Furthermore their own shares are one of the key things they use payment to take over other studios, which means that they will be in a worse position to do so.

Yup, read an article some where that in after-hour trading their stock went down. EA just won't get it and hopefully that will be their down fall.

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