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Help with portfolio


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Hi I am currently in my last semester of school in video game and as a person who wants to be a level designer, I am not sure what do for my portfolio. Should I model a whole level and build it with gameplay or should I use premade meshes and do with it. What do you suggest ? What engine should I use? (I learned UDK and Unity).


I went thought many level designer portfolio and most of their project were for a shooting game, is there a reason for that? What If I am more of an RPG person and not FPS?

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There are tools out there for RPG design as well (Elder Scrolls/Fallout toolkit, shadowrun). However it might just complicate things for you if you are new to the field. Getting acquainted with tools and understanding what makes up one level - any kind of level - is much more important than individual preference in the beginning. If you want to become a level designer, meshes in general don't matter - what you want to show off is the gameplay. This also factors into your portfolio in the sense that videos of gameplay will always show more than screenshots.

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