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[CS:GO] De_Whatever (Name TBD)


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Hello everyone! This is my first post over here at mapcore, but I've lurked quite a bit before. Anyways, I've mapped for a long time and am now testing the waters in CS:GO competitive map making. (I was in the Portal 2 world, and CSS Deathrun/Jailbreak community mostly) This is my first DE level for any CS game that I'm taking seriously. It is being created for the GBCEVO contest.


Right now it's all dev with some models to help me maintain the setting for parts of the level. Once finished it will be set in an industrial park-like setting. This is being made by me and a good mapping friend. All feedback is welcome! I'd rather catch something that is horrible than spend the next 2 months of my life working on something that plays like a 3-wheel shopping cart.


Here is the layout of the level:



Bomb Site B:



Bomb Site A:



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Welcome TopHATTwaffle!


Looks like an interesting layout as far as I can see. Make sure to  it's probably the best feedback regarding gameplay you can get :)


Btw, love your site, it's a great resource!





As for playtests, I'm able to host them on my own as I have access to servers when ever I need them. I'll be sure to post my playtest times here so people can join and test.

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Hey, welcome dude!


I'm not really convinced of that layout tbh as it doesn't have nicely defined routes that you have to commit to and quite a few connectors/doors, I would start to simplify it. But to get to a solid conclusion I would also suggest to schedule a playtest with us. But watch out, the guy who's managing it is a real jerk.

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Do you know how many of your videos I've watched Tophattwaffle?! I fell asleep to your soothing voice at my computer desk countless times /endcreepyvibe


Anyway, it's hard to gauge the balance and flow of the map without playtest. I notice that a lot of newer counter-strike mappers tend to make their maps a bit too convoluted with routes. Yours doesn't seem too bad though.  :)



Edited by kinggambit
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