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dm_Void - Final Release


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Download: (3 MB): http://www.snarkpit.com/maps.php?download=1540

Mirror: http://www.kain-9.com/maps/HL2-maps/dm_void.zip

I'd love to hear your thoughts about the map, specifically the gameplay. I did put a lot of thought into the (small) layout, and tried to place all the weapons/items as strategically as possible. So let me know how I did in that aspect, and let me know what I could have improved.

Right now it's only up on one server, with an 8 player max (which might actually be too many...but we'll see) Feel free to put it up on your own server.

IP: (Edit: I forgot to mention that for some reason some of the map sounds don't work on this server..and that kinda takes away from the atmosphere...all the more reason to start putting it up on other servers :D)

Screens: (I was too lazy to take new screens so these ones are old)


hi-res: http://www.infosprite.com/members/W01f/dm_void0009.jpg


h-res: http://www.infosprite.com/members/W01f/dm_void0230.jpg



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Yeah I did. I've also been worrying a bit that it might be a bit too "out there" to actually win the contest..but whatever. I'm sure my creativity will be appreciated whether I win or not, and at least the contest motivated me to polish it as much as possible :D

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Maybe its just my crappy computer, but i got quite low fps pretty much everywhere on this map. But it sure looks interesting. Maybe its a little too much blueish allover. I would appreciate more variation in the colors, even if the colors you used match very good, when its too much, it doesent have the same effect. nice job.

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he did send it in, but its most likely not going to win because its so abstract.

^Yep, what he said. Ah well, I don't care about winning that much. I'd much rather create what I want rather than dumb it down (see HL2 universe map) to have a better chance. Not that there's anything wrong with those types of maps...It's just not what I wanted to do.

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