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Flappy Octopus, Flappy Jellfish, Flappy Whale, Flappy Fish, Flappy Wings


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Flappy Bird is awesome! Real simple and only skill you basically need, is to keep your head cool and not think about "I'm gonna make a new record" because then you usually make a 1-2ms mistake and fuck up.


Also, my best so far is 67, which is nothing compared to those Top75 with 9999 as their score (in GameCenter). :)

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Got to 10 (in Flappy Bird) yesterday. It's "perfect", but i find it too punishing to be fun. I'll keep it there and open it from time to time for five mins.

PS: the guy has other two games with the same concept: one is football juggling, the other you need to prevent shurikens from killing idle samurais.

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I fucking hate this trend of the most popular games being so dumbed down that they boil down to just taping a screen on the right time to beat a high score.


These kind of games are very accessible to people who never played games, but to be honest they would be better off not playing games at all than playing crap like this. Example, I tried to download some cool games for my mom's tablet when I visited her last year but all I could find were those kind of games and to be honest she enjoyed the hell out of those. She and her husband were playing those games until 3 am every single day. I wish she would have the same interest and open-mindness to try simple DS games like Mario, Animal Crossing or anything else that's remotely mentally challenging, I dunno, maybe Sim City or even The Sims? But since those are on "game consoles" they automatically think it's a kids device and completely out of their reality. What good memories does one get from games like Angry Birds, Flappy whatever or fruit ninja? "Oh I remember that time when I beat my high score while I was masturbating" is the best one I could think of lol.


Just to make it clear, there's no problem with playing these games to relax a bit... I think the problem is when people (like my mother) only play those games and automatically shut their minds off to anything else.

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Games like this have been around forever. I think people are overreacting. Imagine if they had sold the helicopter flash game around 10 years ago? There would have been just as much interest and sales probably. These games don't directly compete with high quality AAA titles any more than a Quentin Tarantino movie competes with Frozen. Totally different core-audience, totally different need.


The mistake is when high quality developers freak out because they can't get the Flappy Bird dollars. No, maybe you can't -- that's not where your skill-set really helps you.

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It wouldn't surprise me if the creator didn't intend for the popularity the game got, it might have just been a shitty side-project that somehow took off. It just so happens that he's been making $50,000+ per day from it. It's probably easy to act modest and innocent to keep the PR positive when you're raking in that kind of sweet cash — I know I would!


I really don't think that this is a coincidence, though:




It's effectively a cascade of unoriginality:

  1. 'Helicopter' game (can't remember exactly what game originated this many years ago) comes up with addictive gameplay
  2. Piou Piou almost directly lifts gameplay from classic 'Helicopter' game and adds nice new art style plus tap mechanic rather than hold
  3. Flappy Birds almost directly lifts everything from Piou Piou, except substitutes its art direction with copied Mario assets and also uses a name that sounds like the #1 mobile game Angry Birds for good measure

Regardless of the motives of those involved, it must make those who seek to develop truly original games despair. There isn't a single thing that I can point at in Flappy Birds that's original, including its art. It's the equivalent of someone remaking Doom using copies of Half-Life 2's assets and then it becoming a massive hit that makes its creator a millionaire.


I'm sure it says something deep and depressing about the nature of making games that columnists will have a field day over, but as far as I'm concerned it's just kind of crappy. I feel bad for those who spend large amounts of time trying to attain indie success — like our very own Pirates of New Horizons dudes on MapCore — while bullshit like this reigns supreme.

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