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Yeah, give the mod a try, i mean really, it's so small (and so fun). I took me close to nothing to download and i'm on 56krap. Click on the link and then go make a coffee. When you done, it will be complete.

Here some more screens of the map i did. Rather just try the mod out though. The map is still currently being worked on as it's still pretty basic.

Main Hall.


WaCky doorway view.

a><!-- m -->

3 piece swinging stair-case.



- Ewok


I was wondering if anyone was interested in converting some old maps, specifically dm style maps for household death.

We got lots of good reviews for our littol fun mod, but the main complaint was that there just wasn't enough maps. So if you want to convert old maps, or even just make a new map, all maps are pretty small. I designed hd_shroom with a projected estimate of 8-12 players and it flows pretty well, that can tell you a little bit about how small the maps are.

The maps we have received have been pretty bad, but its good that these people are at least trying, we would like maps that come close to or better in visuals compared to hd_house and shroom.

One thing thats neat about this mod is that you can specify background music (in mp3 format). We also really don't care about where you source your textures,music, models, etc., we just like to give credit in readme's. That means you = creative freedom.

Even if you have an old chunk of map that wasn't finished, you never got the time and spirit to finish a huge momma of a map, just salvage the beautiful geometry you've always wanted to share, throw in some hhd entities, and presto, official hhd map :D

Download links

hhdeath ~28mb


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