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[CS:GO] Bagra


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Alright, after countless hours of fooling around with the hammer editor and many playtests with you guys I finally gathered the confidence to publish my map in the Steam workshop!

I keep working on my map and a new version is going to come in the next days with further improvements.





 "A bomb defusal map designed for competitive play! 

The germans are on a vacation in a mediterranean village, but their vacation doesn't last long! 
The local seperatists plan to take over the place by destroying important key positions! 
Good thing the GSG9 brought their equipment with them!"


Thank you all for your participation in the playtests, for giving me feedback and patience when teaching me the martial arts of mapping!





Edit: Format

Edit 2: Some comparison shots between the released version and the updated version.

Edit 3: Skybex has joined the team!

Edit 4: Some new comparison shots between the latest two versions.











Edited by 'RZL
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday's playtest was fun (although i didn't stand a chance).

The last version i played (v50 i believe) fellt like a maze to me with brown walls all around and little orientation points. You got that covered by now and it works well in my opinion.

I saw two minor things during the test:


this one is obvious but i post it anyway:



the other thing was this lamp. it's flickering when you move around (looked like a sprite issue):



i think that bagra hits the spot for most cs players. maybe you could do a little more optimisation and you're good to go :-D

Edited by esspho
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Thanks guys for your feedback and nice words!


This looks awesome man! I'll check it out when I finish work.


Did you use your own textures?

Actually no, pretty much everything is standard CS:GO stuff. Only a few decals and of course the gorgeous skybox are custom; decals are from cgtextures.com and the skybox is from komaokc.



Yesterday's playtest was fun (although i didn't stand a chance).

The last version i played (v50 i believe) fellt like a maze to me with brown walls all around and little orientation points. You got that covered by now and it works well in my opinion.

I saw two minor things during the test:



Thanks for your opinion and pointing that lamp out, didnt know that one!


Those wooden stairs at mid look unfitting and ugly , maybe you could change them?

Yes, that might be true, I'll try to create something better.


Dude i love the map! I was curious what skybox you used for it?

Its a custom skybox texture by komaokc.

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Alright, I made some before and after pictures. The "Before" pictures are from the version that I released (RC1) and the "After" pictures are from the latest version, that I updated today (RC5).


Bagra: RC1 in comparison to RC5


The angles I shot the pictures from aren't very sexy but they should do their job.

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Nice map!  Ran around with bots for a bit.


The corners of walls/buildings tend to blend together coming from T side - some decals/props or other detail could highlight the corners.


Many of the curved walls create interesting sight paths, but the lack of props/decals along the top reveal some blockiness against the sky.


The concrete blocks bordering many of the stairs look a little bare, and considering how prevalent they are could use some wear - moss, cracks, stains.


The minimap is crisp, but the shadow contrast makes areas look inaccessible that are in fact part of the main route.  I would suggest lowering the contrast for accessible areas.


The path leading from T-spawn to A site near the big rig looks like a dead end, and the nook near the bike feels a bit generous.


The pocket in A-site behind the sandbags feels too cluttered with the railings there.  I like the visual detail, but would prefer a smoother transition in and out of the space or more functional cover behind the railings.


There is an archway that could be smoothed with the wall inside of A-site on the outer path.


The water tower behind CT could be more visible from the top of the stairs leading to the window room.  Really cool view at the top of those stairs either way. :)


FPS is spot-on

Colors are bold but not distracting

Love the vertical!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's very nice!

But it seems to me, from the shots, that there are a bit too many passageways, seems a bit confusing with too many options, eg in the 3rd shot from the last in opening post, where I also would suggest to alter the stairs' trims: those from the closer steps are too wide for my taste, and they clash with the others in the same view.

I would give the slimming trim treatment to all the steps you have around though.

Anyways, congrats for the release :)

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But it seems to me, from the shots, that there are a bit too many passageways, seems a bit confusing with too many options


No worries, the layout is pretty easy to learn, give it 5min and you're good to go, at least thats my experience with it. But I agree of course, the first look on CT spawn is the most confusing one in terms of pathways, but when you're playing that feeling goes away pretty fast since its basically two general paths split in two (I hope this is understandable).


3rd shot from the last in opening post, where I also would suggest to alter the stairs' trims: those from the closer steps are too wide for my taste, and they clash with the others in the same view.

I would give the slimming trim treatment to all the steps you have around though.


Yeah you're definitely right about it, thats why they already got a treatment, Puddy already made me aware of that some time ago.

I should really update the pictures here.


Anyway, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!

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