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de_minaret WIP


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Hello MapCore. My first post here. I noticed a few popular CSGO map creators were members here so I signed up.

Working on my first CS map and I'm looking for feedback. It's currently the initial alpha release, visuals are very WIP, and the layout will probably change a bit (or even a lot) depending on testing.

Workshop Link


Bomb Site A:


More screens:

Site A Overview

Site B Overview

T Spawn

Long A

Thanks for any feedback, I'm open to any suggestions.

Also add me on steam if you want to talk mapping:


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Had a quick botplay on it. Seems like a fun layout, but there are too many sideroutes making the map too complicated (for example, when starting at CT spawn there are 5 routes/doorways to choose from).

Remove all paths that are basically unnecessary.

I like the little height variations throughout the map!

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Hey, thanks both. I just updated to alpha 2.

- Redesigned mid tunnels!

- Route from T spawn to long A is now more direct

- Added new stairs for faster access to outlook & short A

- Moved T spawn back a few seconds

- Added more cover (especially in mid)

- Added bombsite labelling/direction signs

- Bombsite B skybox fixed

- Many minor improvements/fixes


Had a quick botplay on it. Seems like a fun layout, but there are too many sideroutes making the map too complicated (for example, when starting at CT spawn there are 5 routes/doorways to choose from).

Remove all paths that are basically unnecessary.

I like the little height variations throughout the map!

Although I didn't close any routes this update I did streamline the mid section and added bombsite direction labelling so maybe these help a little.

I'm considering closing one of the red or blue routes marked below because they achieve similar things (connecting Mid CT-side to Outside B T-Side). But I can't decide which to close and I'm not 100% sure I want to close either.


Edited by BanJaxe
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Looking at the overview map, it seems to me the red path is on higher ground in respect to the blue one (eg: like in Dust 2 middle). So if i was playing, i would prefear to go on the red one. But if you close down the blue path, there would be noone running below me, so there wouldn't be any tactical advantage on the red path.

Is that more clear?

In light of this, have you considered in merging the two paths together (same entrance/exit) and having a two-level structure, creating an area like the aformentioned middle of Dust 2?

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Alpha 3 released:

- Removed stairway connecting mid CT-side to outside B T-Side

- Reworked the 2nd entrance into B CT-Side

- Added new path connecting CT Spawn to A

- T access to mid outlook now takes longer

- Added radar overview

- New environment lighting

- Improved player clipping in a few spots

- Misc fixes/changes

This update should help CT hold mid and make retaking A and B easier when the bomb is planted.

New B entrance:


New CT Spawn to A path:


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Alpha 4

- Simplified the T side of bomb site B

- Removed a number of unnecessary crates/props

- Added doubles doors in mid

- Adjusted CT stairs to Short A

- Added cover in CT Spawn to A connector

- Added more player clipping

- 32 player spawns

- Adjusted lighting in a few places

- Many minor adjustments

I'm still debating if I need to add to/adjust the central hub area to allow for more lateral movement across the map (between A and B). I feel like once the Ts reach the CT side of the map then all players tend to stay on that side, whereas on other competitive maps there is more movement around the map even at the end of the rounds. I need to play test this more though.

Edited by BanJaxe
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Alpha 5

- Redesigned mid and bombsite B

- Added new path connecting mid catwalk to short A

- Added new path connecting mid to bombsite B

- Removed lower T bombsite B entrance

- Adjusted cover spots in mid

- Minor changes elsewhere

Well I decided mid did need reworking. I feel the map has much better flow and connectedness now. CTs can rotate through short A or even long A on retakes now. Bombsite B was also too complicated before and is now more streamlined. My next goal is to look again at how I can improve bombsite A.

New Mid:


New B:


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