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[TFC] Nightrun


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A large Attack and Defend TFC map (does anyone still play this mod ? :/ ) for large 16 v 16 games. Set in a dark

castle environment.

Map had 3 capture points but I've reach g_numplanes error while making 3rd cap so I had to strip it down to 2 (and even with 2 my plane is at 99.8% !). The layout is pretty well made with many ways to get to the caps. Also the shadows play a role in this map making for good spy feigning and sentry gun spots.

I don't see any other TFC maps on mapcore but I thought I post it here anyways since i'm not getting any responses from Snarkpit peeps.

Download: http://files.filefront.com/SEARCH/;3775 ... einfo.html







315az.th.jpg 302ti.th.jpg 292bg.th.jpg 283bf.th.jpg 270sw.th.jpg 254cp.th.jpg 240he.th.jpg 238jb.th.jpg 220eb.th.jpg 206iy.th.jpg 191rk.th.jpg 180ds.th.jpg 162td.th.jpg 154oy.th.jpg 145hb.th.jpg 138jo.th.jpg 120qp.th.jpg 104fz.th.jpg 86yi.th.jpg 76vd.th.jpg 67za.th.jpg 57lt.th.jpg 23ki.th.jpg 39kz.th.jpg

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The architecture of the map looks overall mediocre, the interiors look pretty nice but the outdoor parts aren't very impressive. I also like the textures but alignment, scale and placement looks weird on some shots, but the big size of the map is prolly giving you a hard time.

The lighting looks decent but in my eyes the outdoor lighting is far too bright, or at least a slightly more blueish colour would help.

Good job!

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