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Nearly Half in U.S. Say Restrict Muslims


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its terrible that more than half of all americans would think of doing that...i thought america passed this shit back after the japanese attacked us.

well sinse it was a nationwide poll, we are counting the retarded states like arizona where there are like 4 arabs and the popupation is like 70% white... in new york im sure that the numbers are a little different sinse the somposition of the population is more diverse..anyway it just shows how ignorant people can be this day and age

makes Aragon sad :(

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I have an idea, they could all wear little patches or badges to signify what group they're a part of and perhaps we could herd them into one area so that we could more easily keep an eye on them and hey, while we're at it, put them to work for the war effort - they should learn a trade - and their pay will be room and board.


This is saddening.

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