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[crysis wars mod]MWLL "Wildlands"

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Hi all, this is a WIP map for the MP Crysis mod "Mechwarrior:Living Legends" that I've been working on for some time. I go by the name Death_Grin.

The environment design is influenced by the woodlands of southern Alaska. The basic back story is that this area is a staging area for Inner Sphere forces (one of the player teams) to launch counter attacks on other areas of the planet as well as defensive actions. The Clans (the other team) attacks the area as part of a larger offensive in order to tie up the local forces from responding to the threat. The map plays in a game mode that we call "terrain Control." Which is essentially a capture-point style mode most similar to that of Battlefield 2.

I've been looking at this map for awhile and I'm starting to get mappers fatigue so I'm posting a few shots here to find out what you all think or what comments you may have. It may not be very detailed yet but I'm wondering more about the overall theme and colors as well as if the terrain really defines itself very well or just doesn't make sense.






take this image, everything above a central horizontal line is really well done, the background/distance is absolutely nailed. Look at the lower portion and you see something that needs detailing and variation.

It's actually really challenging to make vast open and relatively flat areas look visually interesting, so if it won't screw with the game play add some more variation in the height-map, you could also add more large trees, bigger than they would be in real life to help. If In doubt add some gorges or small waterfalls, it looks as if the water is going along flat plains rather than downhill!

If your in need of inspiration just find some reference materials of natural vista's and take ideas from that :)

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