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[Source SDK Map] dm_nightmare_church (BETA5)

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[source SDK Map] dm_nightmare_church (BETA5)

Game: HL2DM (should work in Garry Mod fine to)


This is a scary church map for HL2DM.

The map took 8 months to build, alot of that time was making the map look nice and planning.

I'm looking for feedback any kind so I can improve the map, so post what you think so far for this BETA stage!

Here's the map beta changes

Beta 1 (kind of a test version)


Beta 2

Full updates

Frame rates improve in sewer and the rest of the map.

You can now go in the bell tower and the church roof!

More detail in bath room area.

Use sprites above objects that have a use feature.

Network performance improved (needs testing)

A few texture changes/improvements

Fixed crash if trap was used on linux servers

Grave teleport now works with 600 and 400 gravity.

Added fog at gate where the 2 zombies are.

Some Sounds are much louder to make people jump.

Clock hands now have a ghost distort effect

Fixed bug where clock hands didn't fall to the ground after they stop turning.

Hedges now has lighting on top surface.

Green cuter Sprite on locked door near transformer area.

Dead girl on the ground in the Hedge area is more noticeable to the player.

Updated the texture that saying not to feed the fish with added "Gremlins" images.

On drop the model gnone will face the player and stand up right on the ground better than before.

Fixed bug with green metalgate texture near the blood bath area

Lighting on wall improved in fire place for the candle

Updated 2D concept art terxture

The TV static will not turn off when you use the phone, the girl will still appear on tv screen


Added garbage outside of the dumpster

When "Combat Box" button has been pressed a light will flash in the church showing where the "Combat Box" has spawned.

Added text message about "multicore rendering" this display in 180 sec's on map load.

Black Crosses s in the map now have a Glow Moving Effect to show you can shoot them.

Tree near grave hp charger lights up green and red depending on charger.

Toilet sound in bath room

Added skulls in the sewer

Sprays near Dr Freemans body on the wall.

Change texture near transformer area in the wall.

Small clock in TV room has a tick sound loop.

Also alot of bugs have been fixed and map tweaks.

Performance Changes

Converted door arch ways to models.

Converted white stairs to model hedge.

The inside of the detailed church roof is now a single model.

Some overlays (like decals) now have a set fade.

When in the sewer the rest of the outside map area will not be visable/rendered. (optimized/func_areaportalwindow)

Sparks and lasers in transformer area have been optimized

and will not be rendered if no players are near by.

Made some areas/brushes func_detail for performance.

Map shadows have been optimized (light map scale)

Lowered some of the model textures resolution.

Most models have a Set Fade Distance.

Green water that runs down the walls in Sewer will only render/spawn if you're near it.

Removed bats and shooting flies in web feature.

Removed 1 moving zombie by the front gate.

Changed alot of "prop_dynamic" models to cheaper "prop_static".

Changed alot of "prop_ragdolls" have been changed to cheaper models.

Converted some brushes to func_lod.

Sounds in the map are alot more optimized.



Full updates

The "Welcome Screen Bug" and some "Loop Sound Bugs" if you

rejoin server annoyed me and some testers, so i've done a quick fix.


I Removed the "Welcome Screen" as it does not obey my commands if more that 1 player is on server.

Fixed strange random phone ring sound in odd places after used by player and if others rejoins server.

Fixed strange random baby crying that plays every where if someone rejoins server.



Full updates

Sprite optimation transformer area

Booster.wav louder and optimated

More frame rate optimation (Vis leaf)

Small changes to a few lights

Beta screen image improved

Beta texture in wall changed

Few small map fixes

Map file size compression


dm_nightmare_church_b3 (201MB .BSP)

dm_nightmare_church_b3 (92.3MB .BZ2)


dm_nightmare_church_b4 (125MB .BSP)

dm_nightmare_church_b4 (59.5MB .BZ2)


Full updates

Teddy bear changes texture skin on gravity gun pick up and drop. (Evil and Good change)

Player spawns have been rased

Flies in web texture resize/fixed

Fixed sprite in transformer area

Gmans head moved in kitchen sink

24 models have been re-compiled to support "prop_staic" (These models use no stress networking on server)

5 models changed to "prop_staic" (no re-compiled needed) (These models use no stress networking on server)

The green metal railing near the clock area can be jumped over now.

The benchs inside the church are not soild now (helps for player movement)

You can now throw greandes over the hedge maze area

Sometimes the server does not load some models (this should be fixed now)

Sprite fire animation works now

Trap sound now works now

Fire extinguisher sound is less loud

Picture on wall near toilet is darker

---> Download (Beta 5) 59MB .BZ2 (Last Updated Dec 28th 2011)

http://gtamike.tsgk.com/my_maps/hl2mp/m ... b5.bsp.bz2




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