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It's time to say good bye to the core...

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So as some of you might know I'm travelling next Tuesday and I'll be offline for quite a few months (maybe 2/3 or even more). So what is it about ? Well, my uncle, who lives in NYC, invited me to spend some time with him next year and now I'm going to sao paulo (brazil biggest city and south america heart) to look for the visa (yeah brazilians need this shit) and to go to the beach (and :fap: all day long heh). The problem is that its quite difficult to get the visa nowadays, thank bush for this (and everyone that re-elected him) and it takes at least 2 months. So yeah shit, I'm gonna miss u all :cry::cry::cry::cry:

Wish me good luck fgts!



btw, peris, our office will have to wait a bit now :(~ (it will have loads of applicants though)

EOT wont miss me cuz it has other kings D: (negr0, nexus, peris, mazy etc)

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