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Doom3 temple WIP


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This is for a zelda-ish mod that seems to be going very slowly at the moment. Still not detailed very much. I plan to turn it into a ruins, with pillars falling down and chunks of walls missing ect..



http://www.infosprite.com/members/W01f/barefloor.jpg (yeah I know the floor is really bare in this one...needs like a big carpet or something)

Tell me what you think.

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find that kinda funny though, since quake3:arena didn't support bumpmaped textures, which this map is full of.

BumpMapping in Q3 is realizeable. You just need the newest Q3Map2!

To your map. Sry , but i don`t really like it.The architecture is okay, although its pretty basic, but there needs to be a much greater variation of textures and colour in used textures and lighting.

And on pic2 , u really should make that upper area not that linear, that hurts my eyes. Always try to get an unlinear architecture in DM Maps and avoid 90degrees "Winkel" on the horizontal layer!

Pic3: Sry but that area is ugly ( in my oppinion ), rebuild it and / or delete the second area above the first and make the lower area smaller....

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it's a singleplayer map..meaning it will be filled with monsters and treasure chests and stuff. But I do agree, it needs more texture variation and more detail. But like I said, I will be detailing it later by giving it a nice ruined temple feel.

As for Doom3 and its geometry, it's no different from Quake3 as far as building it goes. It's not like there is some new feature in the engine that allows you to build abstract shapes that you couldn't before do. The thing is that when you start creating weird crazy shapes, they cast big ugly shadows that don't look right. You're supposed to use textures for most of your detail rather than crazy geometry. All the different map types (bump, specular, normal ect..), along with the lighting are what make the Doom3 engine so amazing, not geometry that was done 5 years ago. I'm not saying you need simple geometry, but not as detailed as games like Quake3 or UT.

But thanks for the comments :)

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I mean that since everything casts such dark pitch black shadows, they don't look good. I can simulate radiosity, but at a pretty big performance cost. You're better off keeping the shadows simple and good looking without having to simulate radiosity too often.

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I'm confused. Are you saying they look bad? Are you trying to insult me, or just making an innocent comment?

I find that kinda funny though, since quake3:arena didn't support bumpmaped textures, which this map is full of.

slightly paranoid?

if this was a hl map, i would say "poor brushwork" ... Now i dont know how mapping in doom3 engine works, so i cant say that in case you dont use brushes... Anyhow, you should make more details/interesting architecture. And do not belive that everyone is "after you".

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There are two ways you're going to sell the normal maps:

1) multi-directional lighting and

2) good texture alignment using the edges well.

All the shots show what might as well be a giant noshadow fill light. It's difficult to tell there's even normal mapping on the textures.

In the second shot, the texture alignment is way off (and it almost looks like you're building on a weird grid ;) ). When the textures get cut off away from an edge, things can look pretty bad. Use the natural edges and borders on the textures to your advantage. And break things up that way. Normal mapped edges on textures let you get away with brush/texture stacks that you couldn't get away with using only normal diffuse textures.

It's also not the number of lights, it's the number of overlapping lights. Don't be afraid to use small accents, projected lights, etc. etc. to bring out some detail and color. You're showing some good ideas and it's a cool texture set and whatnot; now just focus on making it work for you. :)

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