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Crytek looking for interns

Chris Auty

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Pick up the stuff you want, take it to the counter, and give over the right money. I think I could cope :D

On a serious note though, I guess it would be handy to know German, but its an English speaking office apparently, and most Europeans know a good bit of English. Obviously it's polite to use their language while in their country, but at least it would help while you learnt the basics. All in all, I don't think not knowing German would be a deciding factor, but obviously I'm not really in a position to know for sure.

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I would apply... but I don't speak German. So that would probably be an issue.

The company language is English and all the other not German people working here (from Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Russia, USA, Macedonia, Brazil ...) haven't starved to death yet either.

Wasn't Crytek bought out by EA? :?

No....NoNoNo. No. The next game by Crytek will be published by EA but Crytek remains an independent developer.

Edit: And the safest way to get a clear answer on any questions you have is mailing Chris, since he is the one in charge of this, thanks.

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Crytek sounds like a decen enough place to work from I've heard, can't imagine the language being a huge stumbling block to be perfectly honest, I imagine that with all the different nationalities of people they have there they're quite used to people running into the office and asking someone to translate that scary letter you just got from the bank.

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