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Liam Tart - Environment Artist

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Hey guys!

I've been swamped down with uni work over the past few days (you may have seen some of my stuff posted in various places around Polycount), but I've set aside some time this weekend to get my portfolio online.

It's my first real attempt at HTML so apologies if it's a little buggy. Do let me know if anything is not working correctly!


A few examples of my work:




I'm really looking for some feedback on pretty much everything in my portfolio, except for the earlier level design stuff. I am about to finish university and I am so excited to start looking for jobs, and I really want to push everything up to university standard.

My plan for the next few months after university is to model a load of tools that my dad has in his garage (he has the most amazing collection of weird tools, that I've never even seen before) using subdivision modelling, and make low polys and texture them all.

I think my environment shows my understanding of environments as a collective, but I want to focus on some smaller pieces now to fill in the gaps. I want to add a lot more to my portfolio!

Anyway guys, crit away! Seriously, anything. Even if its so miniscule that you think 'nah I wont mention it'; mention it! :D

Would just like to say thanks to everybody who has helped me out on the WIP threads (models, screenshots, textures etc), you've really helped me progress as an artist. Thanks to HP and Mino for putting up with my incessant questions throughout the past few months!




I love your work. I'm sure you will find a job in no time.

The only thing I'm not too fond of in your portfolio is the apocalyptic scene. Sorry to be brutally honest but it's not on par with the others. The assets look great individually but the overall environment is really unpleasant to look at. The lighting doesn't make much sense and the contrast is brutal. The asteroids even make the scene look like it was made on bryce or other weird 3d software :P

If I were you I'd remove the asteroids completely and redo the lighting from scratch. I'd go for something more among these lines:

http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/ima ... 652796.jpg

http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/ima ... 840237.jpg

http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/ima ... 031372.jpg

Good luck with the job hunting bro!


It's ok. You have to do a lot of learning in your own time (Mapcore/Polycount ftw), but it is a pretty decent course. The lecturers are all really nice and down to earth. There are definitely better courses, but at the end of the day it's all about how dedicated and passionate you are!

Mino - Thanks dude I always appreciate your comments. That's the first bit of negative feedback (dont worry im not offended) I've had about the Apocalyptic environment, and it is very refreshing. I'll definitely look at re-doing the scene, it was fairly rushed because it was for a university assignment and I had other stuff to do at the same time.


The dungeon scene is super pro sauce and your portfolio is nice and simple. I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon here and agree with mino about the contrast in the asteroid scene. I just think the lighting needs a bit of tweaking is all, a reduction in contrast a definite.


Thanks guys. As I said to Mino, I will look at the cornfield environment again and get it sorted. I do want to work on another environment to show a bit more variation and how I have progressed since doing those already on the site, so I'll have to fit this re-work in alongside that and all my uni work.

Let me know if you see any jobs going in the UK, I'm currently on the look out for work after uni. Even if there are jobs going abroad that you think I should apply for, do let me know! 8)


Good job dude!

Not much to add really. A well rounded, content rich solid portfolio with simple navigation. My only suggestion would be to change the font for the text to a sans serif font to make it look less busy, but that's nitpicking.


It's ok. You have to do a lot of learning in your own time (Mapcore/Polycount ftw), but it is a pretty decent course. The lecturers are all really nice and down to earth. There are definitely better courses, but at the end of the day it's all about how dedicated and passionate you are!

Yea my more or less my own thoughts, gona switch to their gameplay and production degree for the second year though. Anyway good luck with the job hunt!


Ok guys, I've been messing around with as much as I can without changing artwork, as I'm away from my main computer atm. Let me know what you think to the updates.

Here's a changelist:

-Gave a little more information about the level design projects and included a download link for the TF2 map. Also included information on what exactly 'Black Mesa' is.

-Fixed up the jagged-edged Polycount icon.

-Changed the thumbnail images for Level Design and Handheld to show that there is more than 1 project contained within.

-Changed some of the descriptions for Handheld/Mobile to be less wordy.


Awesome stuff, making me feel behind as I should really have mine updated I guess :P

I know the poly-count logo is meant to be green, but it sticks out from the cool blue style of your site, maybe make it blue to fit in?


Hehe, Tart! I love my name ;)

Been working on this model for the past couple of days. Trying to speed up my workflow and practice subdivision modelling too. This is the new layout style I want to display individual renders with, I'm going to update my entire folio with this new style. It's going to take a while, but hopefully it'll be worth it!



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