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steam shortcuts to tools in small mode

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so basically i'm getting fed up with always having to go large mode with steam and not being able to get into sdk/udk in any other way. i was wondering if someone found a solution to this somehow?


I just keep a desktop shortcut to the SDK :) Also, I dunno how many versions of Windows support this, but on Win7 right clicking the Steam icon in the taskbar lists your 5 most recently run items - I imagine the SDK fits in the top 5 for many people here :D


You can also pin Steam to the start menu and then it will also show the most recently run items under that, which you can also pin (win 7). And no, Im pretty sure older windows don't support that.

I have 2045 hours :D (seems low)


I just keep a desktop shortcut to the SDK :) Also, I dunno how many versions of Windows support this, but on Win7 right clicking the Steam icon in the taskbar lists your 5 most recently run items - I imagine the SDK fits in the top 5 for many people here :D

You can also pin it to that list so it will stay.


Never shut down the Source SDK window once you've started it. That's how I've managed to accumulate 2000+ hours in SourceSDK (which is a bit embarassing :neutral: )

i remember at some point it used to use extra resources on its own though? might just have been rumors. also, yeah, you're right KFS that is actually a pretty good solution (right click, that is).

thanks for the quick answers everyone.

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