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David Lynch makes a video game

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Misleading title, sorry to all Lynch fans.

What is the closest I can get to a video game that could have been made by David Lynch or Tommy Wiseau? It can be on any platform from any time, the weirder the better, but I would prefer if it was actually good not just bigrigs 1.0/10.0 "WTF is this" stuff.

I already know about Deadly Premonition and that would be a good example. Maybe a little more polished, something you would actually want to finish.


well there is a bunch of stuff that was influenced by david lynch .. silent hill comes immediately to mind

but also less obvious stuff for example the dude who directed the gameboy zelda (links awakening) said it was inspired by twin peaks. i love the game and highly recommend it but i didnt see the twin peaks influence at all.

fucked up wired shit with a strong atmosphere:



-oddworld games (any)


Alan Wake seems like an obvious choice. Pathologic would be a less obvious one.

alan wake doesn't seem very lynch-ish to me, it's more of a stephen king novel, or at best a dennis lehane novel (guy wrote made shutter island and mystic river). with lynch, you need to have much more subtlety and symbolic material. alan wake in this way is too literal.

take a look at this:

this is from lost highway, where the fred (protagonist) is talking to some figure while the party is blazing around him. this is not to be taken literally, and there are many interpretations giving off that this is actually going on inside of fred's mind. alan wake doesn't have this shit going for it at all; you're basically comparing bestseller horror to subtle psychological thriller work here. another thing is the setting; with lynch's movies, there's always a mood that shines on the world like a filter. for mulholland drive, part of the theme was the music:


it goes through at key points in the film and as it is strongly atmospheric, it adds sinister tones to everything that's happening in the film. for the setting alone, i'd say something like fallout (van buren soundtrack if you wanna look up the music) would have a proper atmosphere, but fallout lacks the symbolic part. i don't think games as a medium have matured enough to have this sort of symbols and abstract layers in them yet.


One of the most Lynch-influenced game I know is Silent Hill 2 (arguably but still).

(that scene at the party in Lost Highway is absolutely awesome, in fact the whole movie is damn good, I find it slightly better than Mulholland Dr. which is also really amazing).


alan wake doesn't seem very lynch-ish to me, it's more of a stephen king novel, or at best a dennis lehane novel (guy wrote made shutter island and mystic river). with lynch, you need to have much more subtlety and symbolic material. alan wake in this way is too literal.

Alan Wake's filled with Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet references, even if stylistically it doesn't go too far out of its way to try Lynch's style. Really, I don't think Lynch's style and pacing would work too well in a videogame anyway. Try to imagine Twin Peaks being turned into a videogame. It'd be a really repetitive railroaded adventure game with little player agency, because without the carefully controlled direction it wouldn't be identifiable to the style of a particular director. Alan Wake's Lynch-esque in the cutscenes and dialog, while retreating to survival horror between those parts, and I think that's about as much as you can hope for. That is, outside Pathologic.


alan wake doesn't seem very lynch-ish to me, it's more of a stephen king novel, or at best a dennis lehane novel (guy wrote made shutter island and mystic river). with lynch, you need to have much more subtlety and symbolic material. alan wake in this way is too literal.

Alan Wake's filled with Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet references, even if stylistically it doesn't go too far out of its way to try Lynch's style. Really, I don't think Lynch's style and pacing would work too well in a videogame anyway. Try to imagine Twin Peaks being turned into a videogame. It'd be a really repetitive railroaded adventure game with little player agency, because without the carefully controlled direction it wouldn't be identifiable to the style of a particular director. Alan Wake's Lynch-esque in the cutscenes and dialog, while retreating to survival horror between those parts, and I think that's about as much as you can hope for. That is, outside Pathologic.

just because it has references doesn't mean it actually contains some of the lynch formula. i could make a game with transformers reference, it doesn't mean i'm copying the movie.

anyway, i'm almost sure that an open world sort of thing, or perhaps semi open world (like bioshock) style game would be possible with a lynch-ish style. you'd have to make the narrative more fluid, but a man like lynch would definitely be able to think of something.


A lot of this stuff is good. When I said Lynch I didn't mean it had to be undoubtedly influenced by him just that it follows the same kind of vibe. Is there anything that's less unsettling and mysterious and more absurd and surreal almost to the point of comedy? Desert bus might be a good example but (from what I understand) it barely qualifies as a video game.




Is there anything that's less unsettling and mysterious and more absurd and surreal almost to the point of comedy?

Dead Rising comes to mind. The almost intentionally bad cut scenes and levels of absurdity are pretty close to that. Takes what is a pretty standard genre and does some straight up bizzare shit with it.


Okay maybe it's just fucking stupid. I don't even know.


Killer7 has already been mentioned and would be a logical choice. Gregory Horror Show might also apply.


(btw he's behind you)


Plus an obscure one to be cool and happening:

Deadly Premonition is Twin Peaks, though. It released at budget so it must be dirt cheap to try now, which would be worth an experiment.

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