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The little/big Blu-ray movie thread


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So ever since i started watching blu-ray movies, i cannot decide wich movies to get first.

So this thread = Movies that are awesome in blu-ray

For and example:

The Dark Knight

Great sound and picture, one of the best looking blu-ray movie´s i´ve seen.

Also great acting and a great story if you´re into dark knights.

AQ= 8/10 VQ = 10/10 (Audio/Video Quality)

Let me begin:



The first movie i ever bought on Blu-ray, seeing how i actually like a Michael Bay movie for the action and i grew up with the toys.

I first saw Transformers the first day it was up in the theaters in Sweden, and i had mixed feelings for it. It just seemed like a great movie to test-drive my new home-theater system with!

The VQ is crisp, great. Everything looks good and i cannot complain at all! Same for the AQ, the sound is friggin amazing!! The end battle scenes have some excellent sound to really put your speakers to test! The movie overall, has an pretty ok story i guess, not what i hoped for when i first saw it but it´s ok.. for being a Michael Bay movie. A perfect sunday movie for when you are hungover eating pizza and don´t want to think.

AQ = 10/10 VQ = 10/10

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Pearl Harbor


My second Blu-ray movie! I never like this movie ever since i first saw it at the theater, but after growing up (yes, growing up) i come to look at movies in a different way. First time i saw Pearl harbor i was an 18 year old action junkie hating the love scenes but now im more mature, so i don´t hate the love scenes that much, still don´t like them though! Also i noticed Jennifer Garnier has a small role. I can´t stand her bad acting, sorry Michael Bay!

The movie has a crisp nice VQ, but it feels like something is missing but i cannot tell what is. The AQ is kick-ass. Great sound, the action scenes where Japan bombs everything to shit is really awesome if you have DTS sound through HDMI.

AQ = 10 VQ = 7

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Most films in Blu-ray tend to be far superior to the originals in my experience, but I think Band of Brothers deserves special mention for being something that most people probably saw in standard definition but is absolutely awesome in HD — so go get it! :cool:

I know that the upcoming Aliens re-release is meant to be particularly improved as they've done a load of remastering. You can see comparison shots here:


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I don't watch enough movies on bluray to contribute a lot to this thread. I only have 3 movies myself. Blade Runner:DC, The 5th Element and Eyes Wide Shut. The quality of the first two is great. I was disappointed with Eyes Wide Shut because it only has the theatrical framing (it was shot in 4:3 then the frame was cut on top and bottom down to 16:9 for cinema). I prefer the 4:3 more because of the retro feeling of the movie and because there is more to see. What's the point of bluray when they don't give the viewer such options? I find that cheap.

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