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BBC Documentary - Panorama, Addicted to Games


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Oh trust me, this documentary will not be about WoW only.

I just feel that their beating a dead horse, "video games are bad, they plant little bugs on your little indefensible kids", do they really need to keep painting Video Games as something dark that sucks you over and turns you into an addicted and someone who loves violence?

Yeah let's blame it on the games, or game developers. Not the parents and their lack of “parenting skills”, or how spoil their kids are, it's always great to have an excuse to fall back on, right?

This kind of stuff was made back in 1990


Happened the same with movies, and comics, I guess It's how society works with "new" trends.

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I was going to post about this, already set to record! I feel that it will be the same sort of argument that's been going on for ages though with interviews with people who have no fucking clue what they're talking about.

The mother was right to stop her son playing WoW though, because it's shit and he might actually have a chance of learning social skills...

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Traditional media is fighting for market share every day and the rise of a new media will always be seen as a threat to them. Every second you're playing a game is a second you're not watching commercials on TV, so they of course will try and lobby against games.

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