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[UT3] - Abandoned Waste


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This is an environment I had been working on last year to get familiar with the unreal engine.

I left it unfinished for a while since I had lots of schoolwork but now I came back to it and finished it.

Sadly, it was right before the UDK was released :( So that's why it's still in the unreal tournament editor.

All props/textures are made by Epic.


A sudden collapse revealed a pocket underneath a fluid processing facility, the rocks around the hole were fortified so there wouldn't be any further collapses. They figured they could use the created space to dump some excess materials and refine some of their waste fluids there so they started building concrete walls around excavated areas. Then the facility was abandoned and a rupture caused greenish fluids to leak into the underground facility.


The map is built around a floorplan designed for 2 players (1vs1). But since I'm not familiar with the game itself, I decided not to implement any further gameplay but just make a nice environment out of it.

My design wouldn't have worked for UT3 because you run very fast in UT3 so the area is way too small and densely filled with objects.


Flythrough video:

Vimeo link







Feedback much appreciated! Although I won't be working on it any time soon because I have other portfolio work that's more important (actually has gameplay).

I might update it after that work, or just keep the feedback in the back of my head when creating something new!

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