capone_adam Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 I'm doing a report at university which explores the difference between a trailer for a game and a trailer for a movie. If anyone could answer the following questions it would be of great help, thanks. 1. What is more likley to make you want to buy a game, a trailer featuring mostly shots of actual gameplay or a trailer with mostly cinematic shots? 2. Do you bother downloading game trailers or are they something you only watch on TV/Cinema? 3. How important is it that the trailer shows any ingame graphics at all? 4. In order of importance, 1 being most and 5 being least...which of these aspects of a game trailer are most important. Humour Action Emotion Visuals Story 5. A popular tactic in movie trailers is to end on a cliff hanger, where you are wanting to find out what happens next. Does this work with games?, would you buy a game to find out what happens next? Thats it, thanks again and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Also if you have any info on trailers for games feel free to share! Quote
jayrabbit Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1) It definitely should show some gameplay, but in a cinematic way 2) Sometimes i download them. On german TV game trailers are rare. 3) For me it's very important. 4) 1. Visuals 2. Action 3. Emotion 4. Humour 5. Story 5) Maybe this works with adventure games but it's not that important. I hope I could help you a bit. Quote
ctswin Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1) good mix of both 2) will download 3) very 4) Story Humour (only if its done right ) Emotion Action Visuals 5) Love cliff hangers, don't like things to be all tied up and answered, i like the speculation.. even if it is the last in a series will probably buy game to see what happens next if i liked the previous one Quote
KungFuSquirrel Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1) I like a combination of the two, especially if the cinematics are in-engine. Generally I'll be more swayed to purchase the game by gameplay stuff, but the cinematic stuff I tend to find more impressive in a trailer. 2) All the time, if I think the game looks worthwhile. 3) Very. Though I think I'd be forgiving of a really short teaser without ingame graphics - that'd be a way to build some hype for unveiling the game or something. *shrug* 4) Action, Emotion, Visuals, Story, Humor. I also would place audio at second or third - the sound quality, narration, and particularly music of a trailer is a huge selling point for me. 5) No reason it shouldn't if it's done right. The trailers I've enjoyed the most are: 1) Beyond Good and Evil (only low-res versions online, but you can find it on the BG&E site) 2) Brothers in Arms Very impressive productions. For game trailers. Quote
FrieChamp Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 I'm doing a report at university which explores the difference between a trailer for a game and a trailer for a movie. If anyone could answer the following questions it would be of great help, thanks. 1. What is more likley to make you want to buy a game, a trailer featuring mostly shots of actual gameplay or a trailer with mostly cinematic shots? 2. Do you bother downloading game trailers or are they something you only watch on TV/Cinema? 3. How important is it that the trailer shows any ingame graphics at all? 4. In order of importance, 1 being most and 5 being least...which of these aspects of a game trailer are most important. Humour Action Emotion Visuals Story 5. A popular tactic in movie trailers is to end on a cliff hanger, where you are wanting to find out what happens next. Does this work with games?, would you buy a game to find out what happens next? Thats it, thanks again and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Also if you have any info on trailers for games feel free to share! 1. Cinematic shots, but no pre-rendered stuff please. 2. I download them. What I would REALLY love to see are more game trailers in the cinema. 3. Very. Many games have awesome rendered sequences but the gameplay itself sucks, that's why these kind of trailers for games don't tell me anything at all about the game (= I don't trust them). 4. Emotion, Action, Visuals, Story, Humour (almost like KFS ;O ) 5. Sure why not? Quote
JynxDaddy Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1. I like to see gameplay and some basic story concepts show in a game trailer.. 2. I dont watch TV and hardly go to the cinema, so my only source for trailers is from websites. 3. Very important,I dont care what the prerendered cutscenes will look like, leave that for the playstation that I dont own. 4. Visuals Story Action Emotion Humour This only applys to recent and upcoming games, all of which try to have impressive visuals, im not 'game shallow' or whatever you are thinking . I dont really care if a game makes me laugh or not, and most of the time the humour in games is really cheesey and puts you off the story. 5. No, games tend to have weaker stories because they use gameplay to entertain, so they dont grab you like some movies do. But if a game had a 'quality movie' - like story, perhaps I would. lol friechamp that quote is rather redundant dont you think? Quote
curman Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1) Definally gameplay, most the time screenshots are done on powered game machines at top settings to look overly done. I'd rather see real gameplay and have a clue what it really appears as. 2) I always download trailers, I need something to get off to. 3) Verrrry berry. 4) Actions > Visuals > Story > Emotion > Humor 5) Although when I view the cliffhanger I always end up angry that I can't see more, but by that small preview and tease only makes me want the game more. Quote
FrieChamp Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 lol friechamp that quote is rather redundant dont you think? I quoted it to quickly look up the questions while replying and forgot to remove it afterwards, anyway who gives a ... Quote
Section_Ei8ht Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1.) The one thing that sells a game for me is story driven and visual detail. A trailer that very closely resembles a film trailer sells me instantly. Personally, I love the doom3 trailer. 2.) Only download the trailer if the screenshots look good. 3.) Extremely 4.) Visuals / Story / Action / Humor / Emotion 5.) Yes, very effective method for me. Quote
ctswin Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 I shudder when i don't see story as one of the top ones, i really do D: /me hugs adventure games Quote
KungFuSquirrel Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 I love a good game story, but that doesn't mean I want to see much of it in the trailer. The less I know about what will happen, the better. But I do want to at least know what I'll be playing. Quote
Spellbinder Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 1. What is more likley to make you want to buy a game, a trailer featuring mostly shots of actual gameplay or a trailer with mostly cinematic shots? A. mostly shots of actual ganeplay. 2. Do you bother downloading game trailers or are they something you only watch on TV/Cinema? A. depends on connection. 3. How important is it that the trailer shows any ingame graphics at all? A. 100% 4. In order of importance, 1 being most and 5 being least...which of these aspects of a game trailer are most important. Humour Action Emotion Visuals Story A. on question b ill answer 4 but if i have to choose........ Humour 4 Action 1 Emotion 3 (depends on what emotion.) Visuals 1 Story 4 5. A popular tactic in movie trailers is to end on a cliff hanger, where you are wanting to find out what happens next. Does this work with games?, would you buy a game to find out what happens next? A. No i want to fix it myself, not watch a movie, i have a dvd player. Spellbinder. Quote
kleinluka Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 has to be teasing and make you scream for more. Quote
Skjalg Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 everyone that has answered that you really MUST see ingame stuff in a trailer is LYING! YOU ALL LOVE THE BLIZZARD TRAILES!! Quote
Duff-e Posted December 10, 2004 Report Posted December 10, 2004 something that distinguishes it from every other game out there......personally i think that if a trailer has cool innovative thing in it, i would keep an eye on it this is the main reason why i havent been impressed with the BiA trailers thus far....because you cant compress the amazing gameplay/teamplay they're offering in a 2 minute trailer. Quote
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