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Bioshock Infinite (Spoiler free thread)

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I donno, I've been waiting for this announcement the entire week, was really hoping for a new IP (or SS3 :whaaa: ) . Anyway, guess it's a pretty fun idea if they have to build on the Bioshock franchise. I think everybody has kinda thought of this as possibility for a Bioshock 2, you know, because that was underwater and this would be the opposite :).

EDIT: Ooh, long article about it on Kotaku: http://kotaku.com/56... ... -the-skies

EDIT 2: Interview with Ken on Joystiq: http://www.joystiq.c... ... #continued


Am I the only one who feels underwhelmed? They hyped up this announcement so much, hinting at something 'completely different' than they've ever done before, and it turns out to be Bioshock... but in the sky!?

I mean it's just another Bioshock, and as much as I loved the first I cant say I yearned for any more of it, and it really does look like much of the same... :sad:


Am I the only one who feels underwhelmed? They hyped up this announcement so much, hinting at something 'completely different' than they've ever done before, and it turns out to be Bioshock... but in the sky!?

I mean it's just another Bioshock, and as much as I loved the first I cant say I yearned for any more of it, and it really does look like much of the same... :sad:

I'm a bit with you. On one hand I think it looks like they're actually doing the entire franchise thing right for once, doing a game that feels right to them while taking some rather big chances and trying to freshen it up while still keeping the fundamental gameplay somewhat the same (from the sound of things at least).

However (like I mentioned in my previous post) I was expecting a new IP, since I somehow remember them specifically saying that it would be a new IP, which I guess is half true. It would just have been so awesome if they had come out with some completely off the wall concept that no-one would really have expected, and surprised people like they did with the original Bioshock. You could say that this does it a bit again, but really it's playing on our familiarity with Bioshock in a different time and setting. I just think I had too high hopes for Irrational to be one of the few developers in the industry that would actually have the guts to come out with a completely new thing again. But I really can't blame them, since Bioshock has established itself as a quite strong name now, and building up a new brand just takes so much energy and money that I guess this makes sense on all fronts.

Anyway, with all that said, it looks and sounds pretty fucking awesome. Absolutely can't wait to hear more about it! ;)


i was also expecting a completely new ip so i am bit underwhelmed as well

the trailer IS very cool though especially how they go from underwater into the sky was very cleverly done !

id much ratehr have this scenario

- playing it safe and driving home some more cash into the war chest for safety of future projects

than this:

- trieng to launch new ip ... mediocre sales ... studio gets shut down

its just much more of a gamble !


That trailer was frikkin awesome! New IP or not, screw that, this looks fantastic! A 5 year production time for a project based on existing tech (I believe) seems quite excessive though.

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