KungFuSquirrel Posted December 8, 2004 Report Posted December 8, 2004 The Company: Raven Software is an award-winning computer game software developer based in Madison, Wisconsin. Our focus is on graphic excellence and superb gameplay. As avid gamers, we build the kind of games we enjoy playing: games that are visually engaging and enjoyable with high-level, intense playability. We remain dedicated to pushing ahead the level of quality in electronic gaming. Job Type: Full Time The Position: Level Designer Responsibilities: Raven is looking for an experienced level designer for a game built using the DOOM3 engine. The applicant will be responsible for various aspects of design: creating a concept of a level on paper, building in Radiant, lighting, enemy placement, and some scripting. The applicant must work on site and be a team player. Qualifications: • Previous level design experience preferred but if you’ve made your own great levels, we’ll take a look • Familiarity with Radiant a must • Familiarity with Lightwave a plus • Experience with scripting a plus Posted from the new Gamasutra entry. Contact info available there, or PM me and I'll give you the appropriate e-mail address/addresses. As I mentioned in the previous thread, my short time at Raven has been absolutely incredible. Whether you like Raven games or not, Raven offers one of what many of us feel (most with much more experience than me ) is one of the best jobs in the industry. Security is good as an Activision-owned studio and the average length of employment is something like 6 years. You only have something to lose if you don't apply, so if you're even remotely thinking about it, give it a shot.
Minos Posted December 8, 2004 Report Posted December 8, 2004 The only problem I see is: R-A-D-I-A-N-T
Fletch Posted December 8, 2004 Report Posted December 8, 2004 Plus you get to live in Madison, home to 2 of my ex-girlfriends.
Mazy Posted December 8, 2004 Report Posted December 8, 2004 Radiant is cool nuff, not the best ed imo Its just a bit sad to see how every company use different modelling programs, its hard to actually decide on what to learn. Max, Maya, XSI, Lightwave, so much stuff D: Anyway, apart from the Jedi Knight games then Raven r topnoch stuff (;D), so Im sure you'll get some more talented people~ L337 CR3W 4 LYEF!1~
KungFuSquirrel Posted December 8, 2004 Author Report Posted December 8, 2004 Radiant is hardly the most polished of the editors, but it has no bloat whatsoever and a speed and efficiency unparalleled in any other editor I've seen. I used Worldcraft from version 1.5 until 3.5 (and have dabbled in the new one here and there), and even after a couple weeks of getting here I couldn't get over how slow and cumbersome doing anything with that is. Plus I'm still angered by the lack of wireframe rendering of models and displacements in the grid views of the new version... rawr. Anyway, I was kinda scared by the prospect of learning Radiant before I got here, but within a week of my arrival I was starting to do my first production work. I think it would have taken a lot longer to get up to speed on another editor - half the problem isn't that the editor is hard to learn, but the resources available for it are nothing compared to the vast resources Epic has made available for UnrealEd and spawned from the insanely massive Half-Life community for Worldcraft/Hammer's latest incarnations. The Radiant manual is from Q3radiant v202, and is practically useless for D3 editing or using GTK, which is hugely different as well. Every version of Radiant included with a game is slightly different! But having a crew of people who have been using it for years at your disposal makes it incredibly accessible and quick to learn. And I now love it
Minos Posted December 8, 2004 Report Posted December 8, 2004 I always found radiant a lot slower than hammer (at least for Q3 that is). And it doesnt have an independent window system (thats the way I work) like hammer. Oh and texture alignment is hell
KungFuSquirrel Posted December 8, 2004 Author Report Posted December 8, 2004 Speed takes a while to get - the keyboard shortcuts drive everything, but once you learn those you can skip a lot of steps from other editors. Independent window configs - check. Even my Q3radiant 202 installation does that. I've got a pretty mangled one across both monitors, which rocks my face. Texture alignment is actually really really nice once you get used to it. You can do almost everything you need to do without even bringing up the surface inspector and the more UV-style scaling system saves the hassle of having to do most of the calculations you might have to do to figure brush size. And patch meshes, oooh... automatic texturing around curves = my best friend. Anyway, I don't mean to turn this into an editor debate, but don't be scared of the tools! Wherever you may go/be interested in going, you will learn to use the tools very effectively very quickly.
brendank310 Posted December 9, 2004 Report Posted December 9, 2004 i prefer radiant to hammer, and quark. that's all the editors i've used, but all the flavors of radiant i've used are pretty effecient. and along with kfs, i love patch meshes.
W01f Posted January 4, 2005 Report Posted January 4, 2005 From the editors I've tried (Radiant, Hammer, Quark, Qoole, UnreaED), I'd say that radiant is definately my favorite. It just seems so easy to use, while not being a simple program in itself and still having lots of options. The new version of Hammer is pretty good too, I've only been using it for the past month and have already created a pretty nice looking map with it, so that's gotta say something. But I find that some of the simpler tasks can be a pain in hammer, especially compared to radiant. For example, brush creation. Radiant: click and drag. Hammer: shift + b, click and drag, press enter. See what I mean? It's the little things that make all the difference in the world..another example is the clipping tool. Probably the tool I use more than any other, so it helps to be just a little bit more intuitive. And I know this is an engine thing, not editor, but patches are infinately easier to use than brushes for any sort of curve. Why valve didn't support patches in Source is anyones guess. But overall I don't hate either editor, which is a good thing. can't say the same about Quark, Qoole, and UnrealED (the one that comes with UT) though.
kleinluka Posted January 5, 2005 Report Posted January 5, 2005 I don't see concept art, screenshots and a design document so I'm not gonna join your mod. ehhhhhhh nevermind
Izuno Posted January 5, 2005 Report Posted January 5, 2005 I don't see concept art, screenshots and a design document so I'm not gonna join your mod. ehhhhhhh nevermind /me has flashbacks /me runs...hides
Belgarion Posted October 5, 2005 Report Posted October 5, 2005 And patch meshes, oooh... automatic texturing around curves = my best friend. <3 <3 <3 circular arches are fun
Steppenwolf Posted October 5, 2005 Report Posted October 5, 2005 Radiant is definately better then Hammer. The Workflow is faster and less complicated once you know all the shortcuts. For example in Hammer you have to click and press multiple buttons, drag with the mouse etc. to copy a simple brush. In Radiant you just press space and bang there it is.
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