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Hey everyone! I just discovered mapcore and am really surprised that I've never come across it until now. Just looking around for a few minutes I see respected names that are known within the industry.

In any case, I figured I'd dump all my 2d crap here and to start, here's a stylized texture I've started on that aims to recreate the art direction of Torchlight.

This is my first attempt at creating a texture that isn't photo-sourced so there's plenty of room for improvement. I'm using one of the crypt wall textures from the game as a reference. Currently a few hours into it, here she is:



Cool, if your goal is to make a tiling texture the darker bricks will break the illusion. Might be worth making small texture set to really get into the flow of things. :banjo:

Looks very WoW ish, if so don't be affraid to use colors where they would fit!

And welcome to the core~


Thanks for the reply, Chris!

Good point on the darker bricks, once I make further progress on it I'll be able to see what I need to add/take away to make the tiling less noticeable. I was also planning for this to be used in an isometric RPG type environment, so I might be able to get away with repeating elements that I feel add more to the texture.


I think that If you will filled red colour over it Then It would be look like so better and also pretty nice preciously. I have also made texuture couple of days ago, But It had been little different in that texture. I hope that You will make some changes in that texture and come with some new. I wish that You will do better. I will also come this stage as soon as far with new texture.

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