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Lara Croft and the guardian of light.


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..and coming soon:

Lara Croft and the Philosopher's Stone

Lara Croft and the Chamber of Secrets

Lara Croft and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Lara Croft and the Goblet of Fire

Lara Croft and the Order of the Phoenix

Lara Croft and the Half-Blood Prince


I can't surely be the only one thinking this...

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HP man, all the TR's have been cash cows, the guys who made it originally got lucky when they decided to use a chick with big tits. That's why it became popular and no other reason - the graphics and gameplay were nothing majorly special - and there was plenty wrong with the actual design that you overlooked because of 4-triangle tits.

Then the MD's coked up their money, bought cars and made the grunts do continuous overtime to piss out more games to keep the money coming in. Eidos got so fed up with Core Design that they closed the studio down, sold it off and gave the license to some guys in America who had only made low quality FPS games (no offense to any CD staffers here).

And then CD actually made a decent TR game, albeit a little rough around the edges. One rough spot was the fact it crashed at one point in the game EVERY TIME for me, and rendered the experience in-completable.

All that said, I did quite enjoy TR2, and even TR3 had it's moments.

Pity we don't have more games like that these days, we seem to have slipped into a "if it ain't FPS it ain't getting money" mindset. And that sucks.

ANYWAY, this game is co-op, so I'll definitely be getting it just to play through with a friend.

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I personally enjoyed TR Legend and TR Underworld a lot. They where actually fun to play, and had a couple of complex puzzles that made me feel smart once a found out how to complete them. Plus the visuals where really nice (and I'm not talking about T&A :P). The only bad part, imo, is the shitty aim system, TR without guns and more puzzles would probably be much better.

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":1irjn0g0]And the point of this thread is? A new Tomb Raider? Big deal, lol.

For me, Tomb Raider franchise "died" on Tomb Raider 4 (Last Revelation) all the titles after that one are pretty much cash cows.

It's not much worse than a thread about Call of Duty or Mario or whatever. I was under the impression the last Tomb Raider game was really well received. :???:

Edit: Man that actually looks quite good for a budget game. The Tomb Raider link seems tenuous though. :oops:

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