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Rafeal Underwood Jr. - Level Designer/Scripter


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Torn apart, eh? Okay, let me put my asshole hat on. Here's what your portfolio looks like --

1) a (less interesting) remake of a Q3 map, BSP shell looks pretty untouched, boxy cookie-cutter kind of stuff, you're relying on the skybox to create all visual interest for you when it should be taking a backseat

2) an HL2 map in a typical-looking C17 interior concrete / plaster setting with an overpowered weapon; in HL2 you get the super grav-gun and it feels like payoff, but here it looks like you haven't really thought it through past the beginning; what are the downsides to using this weapon?

3) a rather small GoW map that looks well-made but not much else

4) two other small rooms you built for GoW and filled with props, the BSP shells look relatively untouched, very boxy stuff

A plus:

- good, straightforward presentation and site design

What you should do:

a) make more SP and MP maps for whatever game you felt most comfortable with... like A LOT more. right now you have 2 3/4 worth of levels

b) release these maps to get exposure and feedback, people will play them and talk about them

c) if you really want to, join a big mod team, but I don't think that's really necessary

d) in the process of a, b & c, you'll meet more people and make friends, and these friends might be the very people who will lead you to a job (if that's your goal)

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