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Tuan Tran - Environment Artist


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I would also suggest that you get your own host because it seems photobucket & blogspot can be quite slow sometimes. For instance, the header screenshot (behind your name) failed to load.

Layout wise, here are the things that bother me:

- The thumbnails shots right under the large pictures: it sorts of unbalances the look of the portfolio and makes it longer to scroll down, while you've got room to place them on the side. I dunno how much control blogspot gives you, but I'd do something like this:


- I prefer when the links to pictures open in new pages/tab (add target="_blank" within the link code () if you have that possibility) instead of onto the page.

- I don't think you really need 3 pages About, Contact & Resume. For once, your contact info is on your resume, and the About page is short and sort of useless. You could probably merge them into one by having the About text above your resume and getting rid of the contact page. I also think your resume layout is a bit confusing, too spaced/spread out and the main headers aren't distinguishable from the sub headers. That's my own opinion of course, you should of course present your resume as you see fit.

However, it's not your web design skills that are going to be judged, so I think it's a fine portfolio. Content-wise, I think you should put the character models above the drawings. I mean, generally you should put these categories in the order you want to promote them. If you're looking for an environment artist job, I'd say put the environments category first, then assets and characters, then drawings as it's a great skill to have but secondary to the job at hand, while your modeling skills are going to be judged.

The Abandoned Wheel piece is good but could use some more trash on the ground in front of it.

The ChongQing Alley is great but two things strike me as odd: the black panels' texture on the wall above the stairs is a bit weird, I can't figure out what material it's supposed to be, and the vegetation in the corner is a tad bright compared to the light that hits the wall.

Good work overall!

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Yeah, I'm planning to make my own website for a better url and better control of the website. I'm amazed at the screenshot, I've been testing the website and have never seen my layout look like that. Though like what you said, I need to host my own images and that could cause that problem. I'll fix the problem of the ChongQing Alley, I've noticed those little problems.

Thanks Sarge Mat and Corwin!

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Also, it may be good for quick reference to mention what tools you used to produce what art in your portofolio (like where you have those captions next to some of the images), this way people scanning your work can get an idea of what tools you know without having to look at your resume. I'm no artist so I could be way off.

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Yeah, I'm planning to make my own website for a better url and better control of the website. I'm amazed at the screenshot, I've been testing the website and have never seen my layout look like that. Though like what you said, I need to host my own images and that could cause that problem. I'll fix the problem of the ChongQing Alley, I've noticed those little problems.

Thanks Sarge Mat and Corwin!

You should have to make your own website dude. That would really make you do a better url and better control of a web. In doing this, I believe you will have a great future in your artworks.

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-ChopperDave I'll add that information somewhere. I'm trying to keep down all the noise. My format will be modified a bit to accommodate that.

-arje06 I'll work on implementing that soon. This site is a temporary to a permanent one.

Thank you guys for all the suggestions!

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