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Video games can never be art (?!)


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This Roger Ebert dude just don't get it... I don't know if you guys have seen his previous article "Video games can never be art", but he's back again with a reply to Kellee Santiago talk at TED.

Kind of a old vid, but maybe you didn't see it yet:

And here's the article:

http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2010/04 ... e_art.html

My feelings towards this topic are the same as this comment on that article:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I see amazing things in video games and I don't require third-party validation. I know what moves me and there are many video games that do. If you don't see it, it's your loss and I'm sorry you're missing so much beauty.
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I hate movie critics. Bunch of pretentious idiots. "omg this movie sucks ass because it just came out 20 years ago and more then two people have ever heard of it".

Ok Ebert is not that bad but he should shut up about things he knows absolutely nothing about.

Also there is nothing more silly then people who only consider stuff art that they personaly like.

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Who really cares? I hope they are never classified as "art" by who ever, everyone appears to be waiting on to do so. Do we really want to have games put in with what ever makes it into that "elite" club? I wish people would stop trying to say what games are and look at what they could be. 90% of people don't give a shit about the story, to a bigger extent if its told though cut scenes. Who says its even suppose to be a story telling format. Sure most games do it and a few REALLY REALLY well, but the rest just follow along with space marine story 1001.

Games are about interaction.

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