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Singularity - Released - *Art Dump Added*

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Steam Page : http://store.steampowered.com/app/42670/

Ok guys! I've been working on this game for quite some time now... AND IT'S FINALLY HERE!!!

I'm really excited to finally see this game get out there. A lot of hard work went into this game from a lot of people. Hope you guys enjoy the game and play some xbox multiplayer with me when you get your copy :)

p.s. - I'll continue to update the page as things roll in!

xbox tag : General Vivi


Raven Software - Singularity Blog

Raven has created a Developer blog to show everyone how we made the game. These entries go from how fx were created for different objects to how animations were made for our first person scripted events.

Multiplayer Trailers :


watch the Raven Made trailer!


The lead for multiplayer, Gustavo Rasche has created an awesome article for the Raven Software Developer Blog! Check it out!

Gus's Multiplayer Guide of awesome!


Reviews -

Eurogamer - 8 / 10 - It's the first game I've played in ages that realises first-person shooters can bundle in as much philosophy and as many moral dilemmas as they like, but fundamentally they're still about shooting monsters in the face, and so what it lacks in originality it makes up for in variety, pacing and exuberance.

Beefjack.com - 8.8 / 10 - Singularity might be lacking in originality, but it more than makes up for it with precision pacing, delightfully brutal action and spades of polish. An exceptional shooter: only the folks at Activision know why it's landed with so little noise.

The Gaming Liberty.com - 8 / 10 - Overall, Singularity is a brilliant, accomplished shooter that while it borrows heavily from some of the giants of the genre, it can’t quite reach the level they’re on. That said, I highly recommend this game and it’s bewildering why Activision aren’t promoting it at all. It gets an 8 from me, but it’s a high 8.

Gamesradar - N/A - I got to play it, and found out that it’s fantastic, inventive, refreshing, brutal, and frankly, the most fun I’ve had with an FPS in a long time. You need to know about it.

Gladriel - 8.4 / 10 - Even if not perfect, Singularity is one of Raven’s best games so far, and this comes as a pleasant surprise, especially after the disappointing Wolfenstein. With the Nazis behind us, the Soviet setting of Singularity will appear as welcome refreshment, enough to make you strap on a TMD and grab a Russian machine gun – this alternative world is worth saving.

Planet XBOX 360 - 8.5 / 10 - This is a time-travelling FPS done right and it’s too bad that the game lacks any sort of hype, as it is a much stronger showing than a lot of recently released FPS titles, multiplayer aside. If you like guns, Soviet world domination, and a time-hopping protagonist, then I would recommend taking a peek at the game. Hell, if you like games that ask you to shoot something do Raven a solid and give Singularity a chance. It deserves a much better launch than the one it’s being set up for.

Sarcasticgamer.com - N / A - If the truest definition of a “Sleeper Hit” is a game that comes out of nowhere and bonks you on the nose, Singularity wins hands-down. Nobody expected this to be even passable. I’d wager half of you didn’t even realise it was coming out this week (Tuesday, June 29th Stateside). Do yourselves a favour, check this game out.

MrTwoVideoCards - 9/10 - bro. You can quote me if you'd like.

Big art dump on polycount!

Pretty much just a lot of images from concepts to model renders!












FIND MORE HERE : http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74680

Added June 28th 2010

Apparently we're in nascar :D


-----Older media ----

***NEW CG TRAILER! April 28th! ***

Watch the trailer here!




***NEW TRAILER! April 17th! ***

- Hey guys the game I've been working on is hitting it's final stretch! Can't wait for you guys to start playing it ^^!

Check out the Latest trailer that was shown on GTtv on friday.

http://www.gametrailers.com/video/exclu ... rity/64561


Singularity, the game I'm currently working on, just released it's trailer for E3. Personally I like it a lot and can't wait for you guys to play it.


Best of E3 2009 Awards : Best First-Person Shooter - Singularity was nominated ^^

http://www.gametrailers.com/video/best- ... mments_top

News Links :

Gamepro E3 impressions

Joystick's Impressions on the Singularity E3 demo

Check out the E3 2009 trailer here!

http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09 ... 3?type=mov

Screenshots :




http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/69362 ... arity.html


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Oh man, I almost forgot about this, Its been a long time.

"There is time to make things right", it's a nice quote that fits perfectly into Raven situation after Wolfenstein. :P Sorry for being so blunt, but it didn't lived to the expectations of the Wolfenstein ip.

I can tell that Singularity is using the same engine as wolfenstein did, therefor i hope there's not a lot of exteriors in this game, cos the engine is definitely a set back for this, and wolfenstein was the proof where the interiors were actually pretty freaking impressive, the exteriors lacked a lot.

The concept of messing up with time has shitloads of potencial and I'm glad you guys are basing the game around that. Can't wait to see all the wicked mechanics on there, should be a lot of fun.

Also, was that bullet control that i've seen in there? Like homing bullets with camera controls? That's pretty cool man, like the Sniper bullet from Max Payne 1, oh the memories! :)

Anyway, the project is looking promising, and I'll definitely get it when it comes out. Good luck!


":w0fjwtbn]Also, was that bullet control that i've seen in there? Like homing bullets with camera controls? That's pretty cool man, like the Sniper bullet from Max Payne 1, oh the memories! :)!

Sorta reminds me of the Slayer rocket launcher from Perfect Dark too. Damn, what an awesome idea.


":jvkghcdj]I can tell that Singularity is using the same engine as wolfenstein did, therefor i hope there's not a lot of exteriors in this game, cos the engine is definitely a set back for this, and wolfenstein was the proof where the interiors were actually pretty freaking impressive, the exteriors lacked a lot.

Incorrect. Wolf = massively overhauled Doom III. Singularity = UE3.

Wolf exteriors were shaky, but depended on more than just tech. Farm level turned out stellar compared to what was possible in the early days. Midtown as it shipped was a mish-mash of level bits hacked up and lingering from early 2006. That branch of the tech is actually better than most people will ever realize :(


i have been very unexcited about singularity so far but this trailer kinda upped my interest a bit !

story and gameplay wise this looks like it could be pretty cool

....now if only they would ditch that green red brown color palette that already ruined the outdoor areas in arkham asylum ...

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