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Deconstructing Favela


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Great analysis thanks for taking the time to check the level out.

Originally I had an all most mirrored layout. Both sides of the soccer field were elevated with alleyways that came to a peak then went back down to a C shaped road that connected to the soccer field as well. However it ended up being way too mazey. Most of the other tweaks and sight lines were adjusted after playtests and seeing what needed to be changed.

I might have some old pics I could post up. I'll have a look through some dusty old folders.

Can't wait to read more.

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First I loved Favela. Then, after a bunch of really frustrating rounds, I hated it. Then I've fallen in love with it again. Like most great maps it caters for almost all ranges of combat, and gives you plenty of options when you eventually find yourself outside your comfort zone. Also it's probably the only MW2 map that really works in every game mode, with most other levels there's always one game mode where it just doesn't come together that well.

I might be in the minority, and even though I've had a lot of fun with MW2's MP, then I'm ultimately a bit disappointed by most of the maps this time around. Might just be a matter of the times or taste, but COD4's layouts just struck a much better cord with me. Even though I'm an absolute sucker for lots of freedom and open maps, then I do think the MW2 maps took it in slightly too extreme direction, often making it more frustrating than fun in my case. But I always get the feeling that I would feel otherwise if I were playing it with a mouse and keyboard instead of a controller, most of my irritation usually comes from constant vertical fire, and not being able to readjust in time.

Really anxious to see what the DLC will be like, hope you guys are going the same direction as you did with the COD4 DLC and not just refurbish campaign levels ;)

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Yeah, I think we did end up with a few too many angles in several of the maps. However, I think what hurt the maps the most was the addition of all the fast moving perks. We had the layout sizes set pretty early but the fast moving players ended up disrupting front lines and validating spawns too quickly, moving team spawns around the map pretty fast.

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I found most if not all the maps suffered from a circular gameplay that pushed combat around the map constantly, getting shot in the back becoming more common than losing a fight to someone in front of you.

MW1 had some wonderful maps that allowed players to hole-up and defend areas, resulting in fantastic shootouts. MW2 seemed to abandon this and it really let the game down for me.

which is a shame because I loved the art, I wanted to like it :(

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I found most if not all the maps suffered from a circular gameplay that pushed combat around the map constantly, getting shot in the back becoming more common than losing a fight to someone in front of you.

MW1 had some wonderful maps that allowed players to hole-up and defend areas, resulting in fantastic shootouts. MW2 seemed to abandon this and it really let the game down for me.

which is a shame because I loved the art, I wanted to like it :(

True, MW1 had the best ideas ever fit wonderfully to the game types and speed. I had less backshots but more grenade airstrikes. Also most of the maps in MW1 was a bit faster and the gameplay wasn't so perkful...

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