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Modeling a dynamic door (HL2)


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Hello everyone, I'm front of a question without google answer.

I want to make my own prop_dynamic_door for HL2 in 3dsmax.

I have already a mesh of the door, but I don't know how I should do to make an awesome door.

It is something in the QC ? Or Just in hammer editor ?

Can anyone help me ? I would be very grateful for it ^^

Then, other questions :

- How make a double texture for one mesh ? Like, I want to make the glass of the door in a refract material, and the door in a normal material... I've heard about the ID in 3dsmax, but I don't find the way it works.

Thanks alot for the help ! :wink:

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Hi Em,

I'm not sure how to create an animated door. Personally I don't like them in multiplayer maps and choose to avoid them, opting for static open doors.

Here's an example of a single model with multiple material properties (a billiard light). Within max the model is broken down into 3 meshes, one for each material property. Assign unique materials to the different meshes in max and when it's compiled ensure you have VMTs by the same name. You can refer to the same VTF and simply change the properties in the VMT (so you're only using one VTF). Not sure if this is best practice but it's how I do it.

In this example texture 1 uses "nocull" to create tassles and chains. Texture 2 uses "selfillum" for the fluorescent lights and Texture 3 uses "transluscent" to create transparent glass.




	"$basetexture" "models/metroplex/billiard_light"

	"$nocull" "1"

	"$alphatest" 1

	"$surfaceprop" "glass"

	"$envmap" "env_cubemap"

	"$envmaptint" "[ .2 .2 .2 ]"





	"$basetexture" "models/metroplex/billiard_light"

	"$model" "1"

	"$surfaceprop" "metal"

	"$envmap" "env_cubemap"

	"$envmaptint" "[.3 .3 .3]"

	"$selfillum" "1"





	"$basetexture" "models/metroplex/billiard_light"

	"$translucent" 1

	"$envmap" "env_cubemap"

	"$envmaptint" "[ .2 .2 .2 ]"





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For the door you need to create animations for it opening and closing. Now I am not sure what the acts are called but I will check later. Also for more than one material you need to set the polygon to a different material id. This is located above the smoothing groups section in editable poly.

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Thanks a lot mates !

But I think the prop_dynamic_door is not so usefull in a Multiplayer level, so, I put this model on "stand-by" !

But, there is a good thing whit this thread !

I manage to make a model with two different texture, one diffuse for the metal and one refract the glass.

I just have to check in game if it work, but I'm happy !

In 3dsmax, I just split my model on 2 part and assign one different material for each part.

Edit : ahem... there are some errors in game.

I have my diffuse texture, but the pink&black texture is on it.

And the glass is a refract of the pink&black texture...

So my problem isn't solve.

Here my VMT :

porthole_001_metal = diffuse



   "$basetexture" "models/props_oceanic/porthole_001_metal"

   "$surfaceprop" "metal"

   "$envmap" "env_cubemap"

   "$envmaptint" "[ .2 .2 .2 ]"

porthole_001_glass = refract


"$model" "1"

"$bluramount" "1"

   "$nocull" "1"

   "$alphatest" 1

"$surfaceprop" "glass"

"$refractamount" ".100"

"$scale" "[1 1]"

"$normalmap" "models/props_oceanic/porthole_001_normalmap"

"$dudvmap" "models/props_oceanic/porthole_001_glass"

"$envmap" "env_cubemap"

"$envmaptint" "[.7 .7 .7]"



I don't know if the normalmap in the Dudv is obligatory.

Oh, I forget to say that in HLMV, the model looks good, I think.

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does the refract shader work on models? i think that might be your problem.

i'd suggest using "VertexlitGeneric" with "$translucent" "1" for the glass. not as fancy though

Hah! the refract shader was designed for models :) You know the hl2 white double door in the first chapter? -> http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/4135/r ... 0005da.jpg

thats the one. Valve only used the shader on models like that. :)

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