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So, Charlie Brooker has decided to be even more awesome and do a show dedicated to games:

iPlayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00n1j8q (UK residents only)

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjFiTd2nmI4

It's the same style as his Screenwipe and Newswipe programmes, if you want to find more of him. It's nice to see someone on TV talking a lot of sense about the medium and, of course, calling touhou firework vomit.

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Haha this should be awesome sauce, you guys probably already know that Charlie worked for PC Zone magazine drawing comic strip Cybertwats and "Sick Notes" so he knows a thing or two about games. I love Charlie Brooker's work, he never fails to make me laugh :D

Oh yeah and I just found this, perfect facepalm meme image;


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