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heroes of newerth


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It seemed well put together, I just couldn't find a reason to play it over dota. And Dota's free. And I already have Demigod...

Just the fact that if you leave after you get killed the announcer sais "RAGE QUIT!" should get you to play HoN instead of Dota.

S2 is right when they state that they felt that dota was beeing held back by the crappy b.net wc3 was on. Beeing able to join friends easily by a simple right click command, or see stats for players, or even autobalance makes playing Hon a totally different (and way better) experience than playing dota.

Also, the fact that it has more levels than dota's 1 level is awesome. (I'm loving the 3v3 map).

edit1: Also, since your cd-key (or beta invite) is all tied into your account you cant simply leave a game if you feel you've not had the best start or w/e reason quitters need to quit, because all that gets recorded and if you have left more than 10% of your games you cant join a "no leavers" game, which almost every game is.

edit2: Secondly, if you disconnect, you can just log in and join the same game again if it hasnt passed 3 minutes (or w/e), which is totally awesome, especially on LAN when someone trips and pulls out the power cord to the router.

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