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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

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I've not really been bothered by this since Arma 2 came out, since that's developed by the original developers and this is by an in-house codemasters team. But having seen some of the newest footage, I'm quite interested in it. Graphics wise, it's no Crysis but it looks decent enough but it's the attention to detail I'm impressed with, recording sounds of vehicles and guns directly from their real life counterparts and motion capturing animations of soldiers operation equipment, which is really cool. It's not gonna be as complicated as the original or Arma 2 (it's being released for consoles so go figure...) but that's fine, so long as there's enough meat to get into there over the likes of say MW2 (although totally different games).

Storyline is also quite cool, a Russian island being invaded by China in order to control the oil supply below ground and then the Ruskies call their "best friends" the Americans in to help them out, kinda the opposite to Arma 2's storyline. Wonder if we'll get support from Russian infrantry too? Time will tell.

I'm at work so can't post any videos, check gametrailers and IGN for the latest media, the storyline "comic" is especially nice.

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I wonder for how long will graphics be compared to Crysis and cars to Mercedes. :lol:


Well the fact thats its multiplatform makes it a no-no alone for me, this is not the kind of game you would play with a gamepad really :P

After ARMA2 gets more patching this game will loose its sense of being tbh (maybe not for those who want to play this kind of game on console lol)


Well, that's a benchmark for today isn't it? I mean Wolfenstein's graphics aren't too hot but they ok as far as I'm concerned so it's like it's not as good as Cryengine or say the latest X-ray. Graphics wise for me, OPF:DR looks pretty damn good but then I'm not a graphics whore, so...


Its not just a pretty game. watched a couple gameplay videos and I am really impressed. They take the approach that merges player accessibly with realism instead of going hardcore into the simulation genre. Red Orchestra Heroes of Stalingrad and This are definitely my 2 must buys for realistic fps's :D


Well the fact thats its multiplatform makes it a no-no alone for me, this is not the kind of game you would play with a gamepad really :P

After ARMA2 gets more patching this game will loose its sense of being tbh (maybe not for those who want to play this kind of game on console lol)

The problem with Arma II is that it's just too overly complicated to be enjoyable for me, I can't remember which menus do what and there's a menu for each number key which gets confusing as fuck. I haven't even finished the demo yet because of this and I can't manage to fly a helicopter without wrapping the damn thing around a tree or landing in the sea :/

I think as a whole OPF:DR will be more much more fun to play, as it doesn't require such a steep learning curve. I still want to try the original OPF but the graphics make me lol a bit, so I'm unsure it it'll suck me in like it did with people back in the day.

Thanks for the videos jaboo, haven't seen those before!


Really stoked for OFP2, its gotten a long way since they first showed it off (That desert stuff looked terrible!). Love the fact that they're doing it for consoles and still giving you the option to play it super hardcore, but also giving you the option to play it under much more friendly circumstances. Hope it works as well as they're making it sound.

Bought Arma2 and fiddled around with it a bit, it looks absolutely gorgeous but man is that game rough on the gameplay front. Only played 2 or so missions into the campaign, but it was simply too shitty for me to give any more chances. And who the hell decided to have the first mission of the game be COMPLETELY pitch black when the game is one of the prettiest out there? Insanity. I can totally understand that people are rooting for Arma since its by the original devs, but sadly like with a lot of eastern european games its simply too unpolished for a modern market, even if it only is on PC. I guess Codemasters involvement with the first one gave them the necessary QA to make it function overall (Or maybe I'm just too demanding now)

Anyway, I'm really digging what Codemasters are doing atm, between this, DiRT and GRiD.


Gotta love these face textures;




Arma II in comparison has next to no facial detail in characters, just a simple face defuse carried with normal and specular map which looks attrocious.


Those videos were supposed to make the game look pretty? I kept getting distracted by how low detail the foliage looks. The grass looks like it's planted in even rows like crops and he was constantly running right through bushes, showing off their flat edges.


I noticed that too, but to be fair foliage rarely looks great up close anyway does it? Can't think of a single game where the foliage did look decent. Besides that footage is from the Xbox 360 so yeah, but it's not about the graphics so ;)


Crysis :lol:

Also HL2 ep2, they keep the walk-through foliage to a minimum so you don't get moments like that where you're standing right in the middle of a bush. The plantlife in general is all pretty simple but they're so well designed that ingame you never notice.


Hl2ep2's foliage was not that great. The trees were pretty good... however i always thought the grass and stuff was done rather skimpy... http://techgage.com/articles/graphic_ca ... de_two.jpg .... thats a good example of what i mean...

I dont think you can really compare hl2ep2 and operation flashpoint because of the amount of foliage that is needed in ofp2 just completely outweighs the amount needed in ep2. For sandbox environments i think they did a very good job on the foliage. Crysis and farcry 2 would be a better comparison.

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