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I believe we had a thread about this movie but couldn't find it anywhere.

Anyways, this last trailer is MIND blowing!

(make sure to watch the HD version)



Ahh post apocalyptic movies are so hype these days ( which is a good thing :P)

there's also the road, less special effects but hopefully as good as the book.



i loves me some post apocalyptic movies ... or apocalyptic for that matter.

but i get more and more the feeling that roland emmrich is a one trick pony i used to love him back in the stargate / id4 days but he really lost his mojo with Godzilla (awful) the day after tomorrow (boring) and bc 10.000 (the premise is so uninteresting i couldn't even be bothered to pirate it )


He really seems to enjoy destroying the White House. Doesn't look like a very original movie, but some of the scenes and effects look epic....hmmm I don't really think that justifies watching it, but I'll probably end up doing so anyway :oops:

Edit: "The Road" looks more interesting to me, less effects but the story doesn't appear as shallow as "let's show famous buildings collapsing"


I'm a big fan of Roland Emmerich movie so can't wait for this one.

Same, but just once, I'd like to see an apocalyptic movie where everybody actually dies... where mankind is extinct by the time the credits roll.

Agrreeeeed! just kill us off already :P

Movie looks cool though.


lol Mr Emmerich seems to have some sort of fascination with the end of the world :P Looks amazing though, must have been fucking expensive to make this one, imagine how long it took them to make those CGI sets and then destroy them! Definately gonna see this one :)

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